I am so alive.
I walk around my house, feeling so fulfilled and grin. I can’t keep from bursting outloud “I love my life”.
It has not been this way a lot of my life.
I’ve been “here” before. But this time, I’m so fully conscious of it and why.
There were people in my life that kept me from me.
Trying to please them took me away from being pleased with myself, my life.
My mother for one.
I had to find how to think about the mother that has openly judged me as a failure of a Christian, and a success of living a sinful life - my entire adult life. My mother is a bottomless unpleasable pit for me. She’s unhappy with me,
even though I am so thoroughly happy with myself and my life.
Even a mother can be a stumbling block.
And mine was.
It is like I found myself born finally.
Finally able to know what I felt about her behavior toward my father. And toward me.
Finally able to face her and not let her twist my insides with her manipulating ways.
Finally able to separate what I believed about myself from what despicable person she said I am.
I found I couldn’t please her and me with the same life, the same me.
So I have gone with the woman that I want to be and am . . . and left her view of me - with her.
I have been happy ever since.
My last relationship with a man:
For fifteen years we lived together.
We met in
Getting into relationships is easily mindless. It’s getting out of them that has always been difficult for me. Because making something work -even though it was implausible with open eyes - wasn’t something that I gave up on. And I never was able to think about my own well - being over the hurt that I saw the man in. But this last thing never seemed to bother the man in my last relationship. A hint of one of his tears would melt my heart and keep me from thinking clearly. But I could live in forced silence from him for a week or cry for hours and he would simply walk away. It is much more lonely to live in a relationship like this than to live with a beautiful relationship with myself I experience. I needed to learn the lesson that if something isn't working, it's okay to leave.
Even though, he appeared to not be confining. He certainly was. I was spiritually looking for his soul, but it was never available to me. I don’t think to him, either. I was emotionally starving. Starving to find any moment to feel a connection to him. I was dying inside.
When you are dying before your death is anywhere close, you are in trouble.
I was in trouble.
And now, I am not.
I am so vibrantly alive. I feel full, I feel excited.
When people in your life keep you from who you are – you can’t possibly be happy.
Others don’t bring happiness to your life. You do. But they can block you from your happiness.
I shed that baggage
have never felt so good. So completely full of emotion. So colorful.
This is a glorious place to be in my life.
I’m sad that these relationships are broken and missing,
but I give them their lives, as they choose them,
and I have not attached strings to them.
I have no control over them.
I can’t change our barren relationships.
I can’t rescue something that isn’t there - with people who are so fragmented
and living in emotional denial.
I don’t like living in denial. I never did.
I can’t stand pretentious people. Never did.
“The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit.
The second is to look things in the face and know them for what they are.”
Marcus Aurelius
“When someone shows you who they are – believe them.” Maya Angelou
“When someone takes you away from you – walk away.” Sandra Hammel
Life is a spiritual experience for me.
I love my spirit.
I love the Greater Spirit I am part of.
I love all spirits
who are free to love back . . .
. . . who throw their “joy of life” out for all to walk in the glow of . . .
radiating out all that they are, have become.
This is where I live.
In the radiance of all the good in humankind and all things good,
true and willing to find the life of celebration.
This is where I am.
Life is Music to Me
Life is Dance to Me
Life is Drama to Me
Life is Color to Me
Life loves truth
This is Where I AM . . .
. . . in this glory of Life
Celebrating Life as a Good Thing
and open to abundance.
You are welcome to come sing with me,
to come share the joy and dance with me
You can see the joy, delight and contentment in my eyes.
I invite you to live in what our eyes find in one another’s eyes.
I invite you to make love with our eyes, our hearts,
our unbridled exploratory touching…
…abandon time and caged up emotions
that have kept us prisoners way too long,
once upon a time.
No one can hold me anymore from being me with all the stops pulled full out.
This is where I live my life, now.
Free of my mother’s judgments, free of fear that she won’t approve of me or won’t like me.
This is where I am.
You could be here, too.
But I can’t take you here.
I can only be here.
No more denying who I was born to be.
I stand tall here
in the light
in my truth.
To my mother:
Walking into your presence
still gives my breath halting, choppy breathing,
I am strong enough now to keep all of me
in tact
leave your presence with a renewed energy and self-awareness
that I am still whole upon leaving you.
You’ve stolen my wholeness in my life, until now.
Today is different
I stand alone, but whole.
As sorry as I am that we have no connection,
no relating between us –
I can live “here” now
and be fully alive
with or without you.
To life, I say
And to all who can see me
and not attempt to kill bits of me – thank you!
All in us is open
and all is open to us.
I love my life.
It’s true.
It’s genuine.
It’s joyful.
It’s my bliss.
It is Divine.
Life meeting LIFE and complementing the other.
This is living the way I am sure it was meant to be when we were created.
What fun to be alive.
I wish you all this and more.
Be true to your self.
Only you can do this for you.
That’s the beauty in it –
It’s all within your power.
And once you have it
NO one can take it way.
Genocide Should Be Made History
Join the "Fidelity Out of Sudan" Campaign
Labels: Being Me, Betrayed, Brothers and Sisters, dance, Darfur, daughters, Denial, drama, free, Genocide, happiness, ilovemylife, joy, life, mothers, music, relationships, spirit, spiritual, theatre
That was so very beautifully written. Congratulations! I needed to read that.
When I write so personally, I always have a little gnawing feeling wondering if I've gone too far. But I insist to myself that I am going to live from here on out just as I want - truthfully and aloud. Anything else, would be reason to regret.
And what a treat, when anyone throws me a few words. So thanks for making my day.
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