Marianne Young of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, asked Hillary Clinton the question, which the answer was repeated ad nauseam. As I volunteered in New Hampshire for six days, I have been out of touch with the media coverage pretty much.
You know ~ too busy going door-to-door to know what the media was up to. Here’s the thing, I am quite fanatical about MSNBC and especially, Chris Matthews’ Hardball and Keith Olbermann’s Countdown, including being highly impressed with Richard_Wolffe as seen on Olbermann’s Monday through Friday fare. And tonight had to catch up … Olbermann’s number 1 story was Marianne Young (who doesn’t look much different in age than Hillary Clinton) voted for Barack Obama and probably helped Hillary win. Well, anyway that is what I gathered from the pundits tonight. And Hillary, said she felt touched by and "connected" with this woman who voted for Barack. The question was "How do you do it?" and "Who does your hair?"

And I for one, believe America is having a test about voting for a black candidate. (Imagine if it was a black woman this time.) Look, racism is not over in the USA. I met an Italian family (born and raised in Italy and still have a house there, etc), who vote here in New Hampshire. They obviously lean toward the Democrats. And the one adult son, gave me a very passionate monologue why this country is not willing to consider voting in a black president. Of course, I am totally voting for Barack Obama ~ that black man that is who he means. Nevermind that Barack had a white mother and a black father. But his real argument with me, who in no way was arguing about anything, was that only 2% of Americans vote by using the right criteria, policy, records and character of integrity. I sucked the wind right out of his sails when I let him ramble on, then restated for clarity that I understood his stands and then told him I agreed with him only that I wholeheartedly support this man Barack Obama. By the end, he said if Barack Obama wins, then God bless him. As he drove off, he gave me a thumbs up.
This business of Hillary Clinton is now at a place that I will stop being so neutral. Hillary has redefined herself in days that are too close together for anyone who pays real attention to accept her as genuine. She clobbers Barack with unwarranted criticisms then acts like she doesn’t know why people don’t think she is soft enough or let’s call it human. And by “people” maybe I should say media people ~ those that follow her. They see her in a more comprehensive way than the rest of us. And even they have been saying that Hillary is nicer in a one-on-one than in these public settings. As for me, I will count on my own radar about Hillary ~ I don’t like her anymore. I used to. Just not anymore. She let too many staff dirt balls fly and it is simply too unbelievable that someone who is so controlling wouldn’t be fully knowledgeable about this tactical politicking. Hillary has her talents but being true to herself isn’t something that Hillary has mastered. She is a politician that puts politicians in a category of not being straight with us. She is not strong in ways that Barack is, so she attacks those strengths in Barack.
Her poo-pooing of Barack by attacking some of his strengths of energizing our best assests as people of a democracy is stupid. May I say that? Yes.
Barack is a natural. By that I mean, he is comfortable with who he is and one of his best things about who he is ~ is that he is “natural” and not stiff. Hillary couldn’t match up in this category if her life depended upon it. Barack if allowed would lead this country in ways that Hillary couldn’t dream of. And I mean in a good way.
I think that most people who vote don’t pay more than surface attention to the one they vote for. I was in New Hampshire when this happened and I not only went door-to-door, but I stayed with a Republican family who officially are Independents. My opinion: Most people don’t vote and those who do, vote after watching a debate or two and not knowing issues or much about them. I found that people vote on one issue or another and especially about abortion or gay rights. And the other issues are non-binding to them, such as the trillion-dollar war, fair voting, lobbyists, truth in government, jobs, our debt and taking out our loans to run our country from China and Japan, the environment, nuclear war, terrorism, torture, stomping all over our Constitution, open government. ABORTION AND GAY RIGHTS ~ their most important issues that they select a candidate for the free world on. I find this incredible. When watching the debate in New Hampshire, a comment was made that the subject of paid lobbyists was a worthless subject ~ “what are they talking about this for?” I couldn’t disagree more. I think our democracy is in danger, unless we address paid lobbyists who “buy” off our elected representatives.
"Yes We Can"
Barack Obama's speech New Hampshire Primary Night January 8, 2008
"Barack Obama supporter Sandra Hammel (C), reacts to televised results at Obama's New Hampshire primary night rally in Nashua, New Hampshire, January 8, 2008.
REUTERS/Jason Reed (UNITED STATES)" I found this online with the caption last night.Nevada
South Carolina
"Slideshow New Hampshire Primary" link (on the left of the page):
News Pictures
New Hampshire voters on Hillary and Barack before the Primary
Labels: Barack Obama, Chris Matthews, Delegates, Human, Keith Olbermann, Nevada, New Hampshire, Obama for America, Primary, Richard Wolffe, Sandra Hammel, South Carolina, Tears to Win
I am sooooooooo very jealous that you got to be there, right in the thick of things, in NH. (And I LOVE your expression in the Reuters photo...)
I agree that Hillary is warm and charming in person, but that she isn't able to come across that way as a candidate. You're right: She IS, first and foremost, a politician. And a pretty fair one at that.
My mother, who was close friends with her husband at one time, was invited to a party that Hillary was going to be at. When Hillary asked my mom how things were, my mom mentioned that I had recently come out of the closet. Hillary was supportive and my mom then expressed our disappointment at the then recently passed Defense of Marriage Act. Hillary said something to the effect of "Don't confuse Bill's political positions with his personal feelings." Politics.
I agree with you that Obama comes across as more genuine person. He is, to me, genuinely likable and seems sincere. And he is my first choice candidate. But perhaps, in this whole big election game, it is simply that he is the better politician...
Barack and I touched hands as he came in and I shook Michelle Obama's hand on the way out. She stood right in front of me during Barack's speech. And after it was over, Irish TV asked to interview me, but I haven't been able to find it online. The picture of me by Reuter's was posted on a UK/Irish website as well as with the total 462 pictures online at the link.
It was exciting! But I hated going door-to-door. I only did it because I so believe in Barack's leadership abilities and integrity. The 22 year old and 18 year old who ran the whole "get out the vote" were so awesome and very impressed me so very much.
If you have a chance, go and see Barack in person.
I love him.
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