Straight talk
I have seen that some people think there is no difference in the front runners of the Democratic Presidential candidates. The claim is that on the issues they are the same. I disagree even with that, however I have always had the ability to see past what someone is presenting and see "inside". It works for me. And then I was reading Ralph Waldo Emerson's Essays. I thought how relevant the passage below is ~ to how I see Hillary Clinton versus Barack Obama. I see Hillary as a pretentious person. I don't see her as living her own truth.
Barack Obama's "Our Moment Is Now", full speech:
"Our broken and divided politics ... straight talk, over spin ...We are not as divided as our politics suggest..."
Barack Obama on The Meaning of Hope and Standing for Change
I see Barack Obama living his truth. His eyes are clear. He looks to me like he is living his life in line with his destiny. Of course, "We the People" don't have to accept his destiny as part of our destiny. I will consider that a mistake if that is what we allow to happen.
When I watch the candidates speak of both parties, I see a lot of ego in the way. I see it in Rudy Guiliani a lot. I see Hillary want to be President for her needs more than ours.
I believe Senator Obama cares about our people, our Constitution and human rights more than his need to be President. This is a difference that I see.
"...If you act you show character; if you sit still you show it; if you sleep you show it. You think because you have spoken nothing when others spoke, and have given no opinion on the times, on the church, on slavery, on the college, on parties and persons, that your verdict is still expected with curiosity as a reserved wisdom. Far otherwise; your silence answers very loud. You have no oracle to utter, and your fellow-men have learned that you cannot help them; for oracles speak. Doth not wisdom cry and understanding put forth her voice?
Dreadful limits are set in nature to the powers of dissimulation. Truth tyrannizes over the unwilling members of the body. Faces never lie, it is said. No man need be deceived who will study the changes of expression. When a man speaks the truth in the spirit of truth, his eye is as clear as the heavens. When he has base ends and speaks falsely, the eye is muddy and sometimes asquint.
......That which we do not believe we cannot adequately say, though we may repeat the words never so often...
...Pretension may sit still, but cannot act. Pretension never feigned an act of real greatness. Pretension never wrote an Iliad, nor drove back Xerxes, nor christianized the world, nor abolished slavery.
...The high, the generous, the self-devoted sect will always instruct and command mankind. Never a sincere word was utterly lost. Never a magnanimity fell to the ground. Always the heart of man greets and accepts it unexpectedly. A man passes for that he is worth. What he is engraves itself on his face, on his form, on his fortunes, in letters of light which all men may read but himself. Concealment avails him nothing; boasting nothing. There is confession in the glances of our eyes; in our smiles; in salutations; and the grasp of hands...Men know not why they do not trust him; but they do not trust him."
Emerson's Essays, First and Second Series Complete in One Volume by Ralph Waldo Emerson, America's philosopher. Spiritual Laws, from pages 112 ~ 114

Labels: Barack Obama '08, Chris Matthews, Experience Obama, Hardball, Hillary, ilovemylife, Iowa, New Hampshire, Politics the New-Fashioned Way with Obama, Sandra Hammel, South Carolina, WE THE PEOPLE
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