Dream For Real.
We are born with certain gifts and most of the time I dare to say that those gifts go unused and we feel resentful for reasons that we have unmined.
I think this is especially true for females. Those of us who are fortunate enough to live in countries with liberties of speech and laws of human rights ~ really do have the chance to live our lives within our destinies.
I was born after the madness of Hitler. I remember when my dad brought the first black and white television home to the family. I remember that logo of a stereotype of an Indian and a feathered headdress that was on when no shows were being aired. It was a featured scene in the movie Avalon by Barry Levinson.
Then in the late 1980's, I had drawn house plans by taking a blank piece of paper, a pencil and a ruler and was in the process of hiring a building contractor. So I sat at the little Apple computer at school on my breaks for days on end trying to learn how to use the thing while typing out a long and detailed contract for my house to be built. Just when I was about done, I clicked the mouse on "dos" or something and lost the whole thing and had to start over. I learn a lot of things by this method of "the seat of my pants".

I love to blog, only starting a year ago November. I'm not very knowledgeable about it ~ but I love doing it. It amazes me that I can connect with people all over the world ~ well at least those in parts of the world that have electricity and the capability of having computers.
And I didn't know this story about Steve_Jobs, until I came across it at youtube, which I also enjoy so very much. This is so very wonderful to hear Steve tell of his life. I love youtube for allowing me to see this. How moving.
Steve Jobs Stanford Commencement Speech 2005
This is FANtastic!
Steve Jobs demonstrates Apple Macintosh on January 24, 1984

Labels: adoption, Born to Be You, Commencement Speech, Destiny, Doing What Comes Naturally, Dream For REAL, ilovemylife, life and LIFE, Sandra Hammel, Steve Jobs
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