. . . I want to stop. I just can't. I want to be less political on my posts. But. . . I mean, how can I? I can't help it. Well, I suppose I could, if I really felt it mattered that much.
Senator Clinton on not attacking other Democrats
This might be more relevant today
I am from a family of republicans. I am a democrat. That's right ~ I jumped to a different mindset, a different path, different political values. If I am defining myself, it would have to include a lover of music, dance, arts, theatre, writing, human rights, the spirit of Matthew 25 in the Bible and the Golden Rule.
I've been a mismatch from the beginning. I am so arts-centered. No one else in my family is. Knowing what is going on in the state government, the national government or the world is not something my family members talk about. It just doesn't register in as important to their daily lives, as far as I've ever been able to tell. My mother told me she gets her news from the 700 Club. You know Pat Robertson at CBN. The preacher-politician that said the following:
"You know, I don't know about this doctrine of assassination, but if he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think that we really ought to go ahead and do it. It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war ... We have the ability to take him out, and I think the time has come that we exercise that ability. We don't need another $200 billion war to get rid of one, you know, strong-arm dictator. It's a whole lot easier to have some of the covert operatives do the job and then get it over with." –Pat Robertson, calling for the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez
Followed by
"Wait a minute, I didn't say 'assassination.' I said our special forces should 'take him out,' and 'take him out' can be a number of things, including kidnapping." –Pat Robertson, clarifying his call to assassinate Hugo Chavez
Followed by
"Is it right to call for assassination? No, and I apologize for that statement. I spoke in frustration that we should accommodate the man who thinks the U.S. is out to kill him." –Pat Robertson
"(T)he feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians." –Pat Robertson
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Bob Schieffer's Commentary On Pat Robertson, God And Rudy
I got off the subject I intended to focus on. And that is the Hillary Clinton slinging of stupid stuff about Barack Obama. I started out saying this campaign season, I'm not against Hillary, but I am for Barack Obama. Years ago, when Bill Clinton was running for President and a fellow teacher implied that Hillary was so unlikeable and that she was the political ambitious animal. I always remembered this because this teacher always seemed so detached from conflict and controversy. Someone who didn't find fault with others.
Now, I like Hillary less and less every time I see a debate or see her on the news.
. . . Enter the kindergarten-days-reach by Hillary of Barack's 5 year old ambition to become President. I don't remember what I wanted to be in kindergarten. Once I wanted to be a nurse. But I was young and didn't realize that was in no way going to happen because I am not good around blood. Digressing again. Just the other day, Mrs. Clinton brought up that Obama's childhood had no bearing on his Presidential campaign . . . .
"Hillary racheted up her argument that she's got more experience than Obama in a big way today, saying the following to voters in Iowa today:
“I believe I have the right kind of experience to be the next President. With a war and a tough economy, we need a President ready on Day One to bring our troops home from Iraq and to handle all of our other tough challenges.That's a reference to Obama's claim yesterday that the childhood time he spent abroad would make him a better president. . . " From“Now voters will judge whether living in a foreign country at the age of 10 prepares one to face the big, complex international challenges the next President will face. I think we need a President with more experience than that."
Here is the Hillary Clinton's Press Release of 12/2/2007:
Sen. Obama Rewrites History, Claims He Hasn't Been Planning White House Run
Today in Iowa, Senator Barack Obama said: "I have not been planning to run for President for however number of years some of the other candidates have been planning for."
Oh really?
"Senator Obama's comment today is fundamentally at odds with what his teachers, family, classmates and staff have said about his plans to run for President," Clinton spokesperson Phil Singer said. "Senator Obama's campaign rhetoric is getting in the way of his reality."Read more

In third grade, Senator Obama wrote an essay titled 'I Want To Be a President.' His third grade teacher: Fermina Katarina Sinaga "asked her class to write an essay titled 'My dream: What I want to be in the future.' Senator Obama wrote 'I want to be a President,' she said." [The Los Angeles Times, 3/15/07]In kindergarten, Senator Obama wrote an essay titled 'I Want to Become President.' "Iis Darmawan, 63, Senator Obama's kindergarten teacher, remembers him as an exceptionally tall and curly haired child who quickly picked up the local language and had sharp math skills. He wrote an essay titled, 'I Want To Become President,' the teacher said." [AP, 1/25/07 ]
That's right. Essays written in the kindergarten and the third grade, which are sure to one day find a permanent home at the National Archives, are being cited by the Clinton campaign as proof that Obama's bloodthirsty presidential ambitions began as a plot hatched between naptime and snack. "If only the many, many people who want to vote for him in Iowa knew," reasons the Clinton campaign.
Mind you, this press release so ably proves its point with three preceding citations that it makes including the stuff Obama wrote back when he was eight years old Read more Draws Clinton's Ire Over Early Ambition
Staff Reporter of the Sun
December 3, 2007
Aides to Mrs. Clinton lashed out at Mr. Obama's claim, which he repeated yesterday, that he only recently decided to mount a presidential bid.
Read more
Iowa ~ New Hampshire ~ South Carolina ~ Nevada
Labels: Canvass, Caucus, Democrat Presidential Candidates, Hillary Clinton, ilovemylife, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, Obama for President, Primary, Sandra Hammel, The Time Is Now, Truth, United States
December 3, 2007 05:41 PM