So this is Christmas
and what have you done

Every year, self-proclaimed Christians have Christmas and it is marketed as the biggest money-making "event" of the year. Many can't afford to buy presents for their children. Many can't feed their children or afford to send them to school where a better future waits. Many can't afford medicine. GENOCIDE flourishes in Darfur and neighboring Chad because WE don't care enough to use our political will to make a difference. And the words Peace on Earth are prominently displayed everywhere at this time of the year. But Peace on Earth isn't practiced, truly practiced, anywhere.
The person who posted this video on Youtube goes by the name of
yocapoweb and is from Capital Federal, Argentina.
He writes this with his video:
Christmas is near, it's time to think about it...
I can't find the right words to express what this video and this song means to me. I personally think that everybody must watch this video, specially the ones who rule the world.
Lennon was such a great man, we all miss him so much... Thank you John!
Ahora se acerca la navidad. Los medios nos lo recuerdan contantemente en las publicidades. No nos quedemos con eso solo para esta navidad. Creo que todo el mundo debería ver este video y comenzar a recapacitar.
¡Gracias John!
Lyrics to John Lennon's This Is Christmas
So this is Christmas
And what have you done
Another year over
And a new one just begun
And so this is Christmas
I hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young
A very Merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
And so this is Christmas
For weak and for strong
For rich and the poor ones
The world is so wrong
And so happy Christmas
For black and for white
For yellow and red ones
Let's stop all the fight
A very Merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
And so this is Christmas
And what have we done
Another year over
A new one just begun
And so happy Christmas
We hope you have fun
The near and the dear one
The old and the young
A very Merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
Let's hope it's a good one
Without any fear
War is over, if you want it
War is over now.

I typed in my window "World Hunger" and one of the websites that came up is the following . . .
Hunger and World Poverty
About 25,000 people die every day of hunger or hunger-related causes, according to the United Nations. This is one person every three and a half seconds. Unfortunately, it is children who die most often.
Yet there is plenty of food in the world for everyone. The problem is that hungry people are trapped in severe poverty. They lack the money to buy enough food to nourish themselves. Being constantly malnourished, they become weaker and often sick. This makes them increasingly less able to work, which then makes them even poorer and hungrier. This downward spiral often continues until death for them and their families.
There are effective programs to break this spiral. For adults, there are “food for work” programs where the adults are paid with food to build schools, dig wells, make roads, and so on. This both nourishes them and builds infrastructure to end the poverty. For children, there are “food for education” programs where the children are provided with food when they attend school. Their education will help them to escape from hunger and global poverty.
I typed in my window "Darfur Genocide and one of the many websites came up with this . . .
The ongoing Darfur Genocide is no accident, no local tribal conflict. The genocide is the brutal plan of three men in the Sudanese national Government -- President Bashir, Vice-President Taha, Security Chief Gosh. Now they are spreading their system of terror to other African countries, including Chad and the Central African Republic . Yet our governments continue to cut deals with them - deals they repeatedly break. It is time for the US and European governments to stop appeasing genocide. We call on our governments to fully support the International Criminal Court to indict the perpetrators of genocide, and to help ensure their arrest. It is time for justice, because only justice can bring peace.
For Bashir, Taha and Gosh, it is time for handcuffs, not handshakes.
I typed in my window "Aids numbers" and up came the following . . .

Global HIV/AIDS estimates, end of 2007
The latest statistics on the world epidemic of AIDS & HIV were published by UNAIDS/WHO in November 2007, and refer to the end of 2007.
Estimate | Range | |
People living with HIV/AIDS in 2007 | 33.2 million | 30.6-36.1 million |
Adults living with HIV/AIDS in 2007 | 30.8 million | 28.2-33.6 million |
Women living with HIV/AIDS in 2007 | 15.4 million | 13.9-16.6 million |
Children living with HIV/AIDS in 2007 | 2.5 million | 2.2-2.6 million |
People newly infected with HIV in 2007 | 2.5 million | 1.8-4.1 million |
Adults newly infected with HIV in 2007 | 2.1 million | 1.4-3.6 million |
Children newly infected with HIV in 2007 | 0.42 million | 0.35-0.54 million |
AIDS deaths in 2007 | 2.1 million | 1.9-2.4 million |
Adult AIDS deaths in 2007 | 1.7 million | 1.6-2.1 million |
Child AIDS deaths in 2007 | 0.33 million | 0.31-0.38 million |
More than 25 million people have died of AIDS since 1981.
Africa has 12 million AIDS orphans.
Young people (under 25 years old) account for half of all new HIV infections worldwide.
In developing and transitional countries, 7.1 million people are in immediate need of life-saving AIDS drugs; of these, only 2.015 million (28%) are receiving the drugs.
I typed in my window PEACE ON EARTH and . . .
I found a blogger post ~ how appropriate ~ a blogger ~ someone like you and me . And here is what she wrote . . .
I am sitting down in the dark, with 3 big candles..
Candles of love, peace, and hope... glowing in the dark...

Let there be Peace on Earth, the peace that was meant to be!
With kindness as a value , Humans all are we.
Let me walk with my brothers and sisters in perfect harmony. (Okay, I changed the words ~ do you think God is offended?)
Let peace begin with me. Let this be the moment now.
With every breath I take, let this be my solemn vow;
To take each moment and live each moment in peace eternally!
Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me!
Let there be Peace on Earth.
Let there be Hope on Earth,
Let there be Love on Earth,
(You want to jump on board?)
and I found . . .
While we’re well versed in the profits of war, can we even fathom the profits of peace? Of not being on “Alert” status, of varying degree and hue? Source:
I typed in "World Peace" and one thing I learned is that we have

“Invites all Member States, organizations of the United Nations system, and non-governmental organizations and individuals to commemorate, in an appropriate manner, the International Day of Peace, including through education and public awareness, and to cooperate with the United Nations in the establishment of the global ceasefire.”
A powerful activity on the International Day of Peace ~ September 21 ~ is the Minute of Silence at 12 o’clock in every time zone as it circles the globe.
For complete information about the International Day of Peace, please visit:
One single day of peace, wow. . . (do you think even that happens?)
. . . How about a Year of Peace?
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So disturbing, I won't say anything other than, if you have the courage, go to this link on Abu Ghraib ~ happening in your name USA citizens (and I am one) How thoroughly shameful, President Bush ~ ON YOUR WATCH! Check out the videos while you are there. The link is on the left side and it is number 10.
Once you see this, consider what Christmas means to the USA. And our self-proclaimed Christian ~ President Bush.
Labels: Bush, Genocide, HammelObama for President 08, ilovemylife, John Lennon, Josh Groban, magine, music, Peace on Earth, SO THIS is Christmas, War is Not Necessary No Matter What You've Been Told, Weeping
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