Terrified and traumatized children running from their burning village by the Sudanese government supported Janjaweed. Picture from Mia Farrow's website
Call 1-800-GENOCIDE to tell your elected U.S. Senators to support SADA. And while you are with phone in hand, give President Bush a call, too. His comment line is 202-456-1111. He needs a push. We have been waiting much too long for him to act. Four and half years of terror in Darfur and neighboring Chad is far too long.

The Janjaweed ~ working in conjunction with the Sudanese government and financed with your mutual funds if you are with a company that is listed below.
Millions of Americans have their retirement funds in these firms, which are among the world’s largest investors in PetroChina. PetroChina is a Chinese oil company, which, along with its parent company CNPC, is filling the coffers of the Sudanese government and helping fund the government’s actions in Darfur.
Why Target these Firms?Join our campaign! Urge these firms to stop funding genocide!
By Sandra Hammel
People are dying of thirst
There are so many problems
So we do nothing
People are starving
There are so many problems
So we do nothing
People are stealing little girls and women and using them as sex slaves
There are so many problems
So we do nothing
People are stealing little boys and forcing them to be torturers and murderers
There are so many problems
So we do nothing
People are selling babies and children
So we do nothing
There are so many problems
So we do nothing
Katrina’s aftermath is still as critical as it just happened
There are so many problems
So we do nothing
Genocide ever again
It’s so complicated
So we do nothing
It’s them and not us
So we do nothing
The poor in our country are invisible
There are so many problems
So we do nothing
Self-absorbed, we do nothing
We don’t fall from grace
We just do nothing.
End of my poem.
Well, "we" here in these pictures are doing something. Are you?
More pictures coming on future postings. I have so many ~ it will take a while to post most of them.
Take Action Today
Are you fasting for Darfur?
On December 5th, join Danny Glover, Bradley Whitford, Ben & Jerry's co-founder Jerry Greenfield, Samantha Power and thousands of students around the country for STAND's DarfurFast. The idea is simple: fast from one luxury item for one day and donate the money you would have spent on that item to protect civilians in Darfur. Just three dollars -- less than the cost of a latte -- can provide protection for one woman for a year. Find out more at
Sand and Sorrow ~ the HBO Movie
Join hundreds of activists and viewers across the country on December 6 at 8:00 pm EST to watch the HBO premiere of Sand and Sorrow, a powerful film about the tragic and ongoing genocide in Darfur. Share this experience with your family and friends by hosting a house party. Click here to find out more.
U.S. Torch Relay Finishes in DC
Dream for Darfur's Torch Relay has been traveling around the world since August, calling attention to the relationship between China and the genocidal government of Sudan. The U.S. leg of the Relay kicked off in New York City on September 9, with events taking place in more than 60 cities across the United States since then. On December 10, International Human Rights Day, the U.S. leg of the relay will finish up in Washington, D.C. The relay will travel to the White House and the Sudanese Embassy before ending at the Chinese Embassy.
If you are in the DC area, please join Olympic medalist Joey Cheek, Actress Mia Farrow, members of the Darfuian community and others, as we urge the Chinese government to help bring the Olympic motto "One World, One Dream" to Darfur. RSVP at
Click here to find out more.
Give the Gift of Safety
This holiday season you have the opportunity to help protect some of the 2.5 million displaced Darfurians. To stop violence against women and girls in refugee camps, GI-Net runs an on-the-ground civilian protection program. Your tax-deductible contribution will answer the call of Darfurians for "protection now!" Can you think of a better holiday gift? Make a donation as a gift for your families, friends or colleagues. Donate today.
Labels: Beijing Genocide Olympics, Bush All Talk and No Action For Darfur, China, Darfur, Genocide, ilovemylife, Janjaweed, Obama, Providence, Rhode Island, Sandra Hammel, Sudan, Torch Relay
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