"I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire"
A Tribute To The Website
and Ioan, Of Course
But two days ago, I learned the very sad news that the website will close
Here I include entries of mine that I finally did participate and leave on the website thread where a sad farewell is being worked out by those who have been well-healed members of the threads, as well as people like me, who have been coming “out of the woodwork”:
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I only came looking for Ioan Gruffudd on the internet after I was so impressed with Matthew Rhys on my favorite TV show, Brothers and Sisters.
I believed it all started for me with an Elle magazine article that interviewed Ioan and Matthew together, which I must have discovered here. Otherwise, I don’t remember the details of how I “fell” upon this wonderfully managed site, but I have been impressed with it ever since. I even started my own blog and have done several postings about Ioan using pictures and clips that originated here, although I spotted them on Youtube and I put links to this site on my blog’s postings. My lastest posting was about the Imus mess, but I started the posting with 3 gorgeous pictures of Ioan taken from this site, writing “Just…because…Ioan Gruffudd is beautiful” under the pictures, then going on my exploration of Imus exposing not only his prejudices but all of our flaws. The comprehensive coverage of Ioan through the clips, pictures, his projects past and current and links are phenomenal, here. I so very much appreciated it and admired it. I am relatively a newcomer to and wondered just WHO the most capable, dedicated and giving person was behind this wonderful website, so I am staying up way past my personal “curfew” to write and tell you, (now that I know who you are…)
April, to say “Thank You.”
And please, know that I have so many hits on my original post for Ioan on my blog. Even though it is a net “oldie” it still gets hits. And when I wrote to the Blog over at Brothers and Sisters at to pitch my thought of Ioan being cast to play Kevin’s beau friend on Brothers and Sisters, that post was never posted by the administrators of the blog. Which I took as a good sign. I provided all the links to them for Ioan here on this website, provided youtubes of your original video clips, as well as the Elle magazine article mentioned above.
April, you’ve done a marvelous job. I don’t know what has been going on here, because I seldom read the chat stuff. But I get the drift that feelings have been frayed and burned. That is a sad thing. I am sorry for all that have been burned, hurt and tarnished.
I will miss coming here and getting my "Daily Minimum Requirement" boost from all this site has to offer. I especially loved you keeping us up with his interviews, which I clicked my way to with enthusiasm. And I so adored the pictures. Where else would we get such a wealth of pictures of Ioan and also of
And thanks to Ioan for allowing us this wonderful site. I am
that it is coming to a close.
We can’t live our lives to please others.
We can only live our lives with integrity
and keep our faith in the goodness innate in our spirits.
I wish you all the best of life.
And for Ioan and
I wanted to say my thanks.
Sandra Hammel
April, blessings...
<:<:<:<:<:<:<:<:<:<:<:<:<:<:<:<:<:<:<:<:<:<:<:<:<:<:<:< After reading so many heartfelt expressions - yours rang fresh, true and even made me laugh at your witty humor. Before tonight, I had posted once only I believe it was...but yes, I think the Pledge is a grand idea. I don't know what caused this - but I gather something was said by some or someone that was unkind about
Tough act.
Still all in all this has to be the best fan and actor's website ever. It has certainly helped promote Ioan Gruffudd's career. I will miss it very much.
Thank you, April for all of your heart and soul. This is a work of heart.
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A "Dear Ioan and
Dear Ioan and
Whatever has been said or done that has been hurtful, I am in the dark about. I have read this farewell blog at and what I have noticed is that there is angst, emotional pain and a "feeling" that someone has died, but I have also noticed something else. Something to take notice of, acknowledge, draw inspiration from and find reason to celebrate.
There are lovely tributes to April and the others named by the "more qualified" than me to bring names forward. And, also, what I have noticed is the beautiful poetry, song texts and personal expressions that obviously come from the posters’ life experiences, but also it has come because we all came here in search of knowing more about Ioan Gruffudd. A young man from
Your God-given spirit and gifts have triggered our God-given spirits and gifts. We inspire one another. Bad stuff aside, there is beauty expressed here on this thread. There is a humanity showing strong, gentleness is in many of these posts, sincerity and love is here for you and for
I hope we, each one, can notice the beauty being expressed here for you. And for
I have an entire folder filled with quotes on napkins and paper towels written down in the dark of the 15 times that I saw Amazing Grace, but I feel a little fragile right now and don’t feel like digging out the lines you say, but there is a place in the movie where you, as William Wilberforce, are speaking to the House of Commons MPs pleading in a way for their humanity to come up out of the recesses of their hearts. You are saying that you believe that they all are good people, with good hearts, with humanity. But while Wilber is saying this, he is being shouted down by his peers.
Your loved one, Alice, is precious to you and you have every right and are right to stand by her to show your valiant respect for her. I don’t speak for all, but certainly for my deeply felt emotions and philosophy. And just like Wilber I believe we are all good people in the end. (Well, maybe not Osama bin Laden…again forgive my sense of humor.) We all find ourselves with soft places in our hearts. We all have compassion. All should stand by with courage and integrity - the ones we love .
Along the way, somehow we human beings can make mistakes, we mess things up. We get tangled up. I offer you my olive branch. If I could I would…make amends. I just don’t know how.
I love the spirit that I see in you, Ioan Gruffudd. I appreciate your gifts that you publicly share with us. I respect your privacy and your intimate life.
And I thank all of those who have created this site that we are preparing to say good-by to.
I love the arts. They have been a blessing to me my whole life. Long live the humanity that we get to see in the arts, in theatre, in acting, music, poetry, dance, in art. Long live our human hearts.
I wish you Ioan and
If I could I would hug each one. You, Alice. And also those others who need to heal. "There is one sure way to remind a child of their connection to life and other human beings and that they are important and's called a hug." Lauren Munger
I believe this remains true for children no matter our age.
Healing be yours,
Sandra Hammel
online known as ilovemylife
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"There's a chance Peace Will Come in your life
Please buy one..." Melanie Safka
before you search my eyes
before you see through me
and I through you
for a place to be…"
Joseph Pintauro
"Without You" by Mariah Carey
“If nearness kills love what hope is there for humanity?” Sudborough
>:>:>:>:>:>:>:>:>:>:>:>:>:>:>: >:>:>:>:>:>:>:>:>:>
Pictures to be found until
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When a man loves a woman
Can't keep his mind on nothin' else
He'd trade the world
For a good thing he's found
If she is bad, he can't see it
She can do no wrong
Turn his back on his best friend
If he puts her down
When a man loves a woman
Spend his very last dime
Trying to hold on to what he needs
He'd give up all his comforts
And sleep out in the rain
If she said that's the way
It ought to be
When a man loves a woman
I give you everything I've got (yeah)
Trying to hold on
To your precious love
Baby please don't treat me bad
When a man loves a woman
Deep down in his soul
She can bring him such misery
If she is playing him for a fool
He's the last one to know
Loving eyes can never see
Yes when a man loves a woman
I now exactly how he feels
'Cause baby, baby, baby
I am a man …
When a man loves a woman…
Labels: Alice Evans, Blogs and Etiquette, Brothers and Sisters, ilovemylife, Ioan Gruffudd,, We Love Ioan, You Never Miss the Water ‘til the Well Runs Dry, Your Manners are Showing
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