
Mahatma Gandhi
April 16, Oprah’s show was a response to the Imus mess following his two firings through recent use of “Nappy Headed Hos”. Her show’s topic was “What do we do next?” April 17 will air Part Two of this topic. Honestly Oprah said she had been avoiding discussing racism on her show, but that now she is. I request to broaden the discussion. And specifically to include the Native American Indian societal and institutionalized racism. And let's lose the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" requirement of gays in the military. For goodness' sake, they are over in
If we have cancer, we think of removing it. If we have a sickness, we make a move to be healed of the illness and feel better. If we spew hatred cloaked in the claimed right of freedom of speech, it still affects not only those who it is directed toward, but it affects the one who owns the words. In the movie “Amazing Grace” the minister says to William Wilberforce’s question “In what way are you trying to make the world better”, with “When you make the world better in one way, it becomes better in all ways.” What is thrown out into the universe affects the world as a whole. We make the world what it is. We color the world with our words, behavior and silence. If we hurt someone else, we can’t help but hurt ourselves. It may not be visible hurt or even apparent to the receiver as well as the giver, but we live with who we are. And you can’t say crap and not have it be part of your life.
“The first rule is to keep an untroubled spirit.
The second is to look things in the face and know them for what they are.”
I am white, female, 58 years living, heterosexual and a human rights activist, although primarily regarding genocide,
The claim that “political correctness” is encouraged by firing Imus and the-like, misses the point. Claiming pretentious “political correctness” results when “We the People” speak out and say this kind of speech is anything but freeing dismisses Right for what sounds right. We must address wrongs, injustices and expose indecent behavior. This sick language and behavior that doesn’t have the light shone on it will simply find roots and continue to grow like weeds. This kind of language strangles the truth from all of us regardless of who the language is directed toward. It keeps us all down and from being free. Also, the point isn’t that having “freedom of speech” gives us the right to be condescending and dehumanizing to another of the human race. Not being denigrated is a civil rights issue. We have the inalienable right to be treated with decency. And I so agree with the mindset that says this is not a black woman’s issue, or even just a woman’s issue. This behavior and “talk” belittles all humankind, regardless of race or gender.
Genocide of the Indians was authorized by those that came to this land as immigrants. Do you suppose the Indians wished they had united and built a fence to keep out immigrants? Injustice is a one-word sum total of the treatment of the Indians by the government.
Earlier this year, the U.S. Supreme Court turned down the request of the Narragansett Indian Tribe of Rhode Island to consider overturning the lower court ruling against them with the state of
The Narragansett Indians had a proposal to build a casino on the ballot last November. But the voters of
Putting myself in the shoes of the Indians, I would feel betrayed by a government that stands on the values expressed in the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal …with certain unalienable Rights . . .”
History would indicate that the reason the treaty between the State of
Winds -by Mauro
“so you killed me...
I knew you would”
I respectfully request that the discussion that found attention through a prominent white man’s utterance of “nappy headed hos” be broadened to more than racism of black Americans and sexism, let’s open up the scourge of racism to include our first sin regarding racism against the Native American Indians. When I was considering moving to Indian Country in
I hear comments from members of my own family that are racist and they would not imagine that they are racist. My brother referred to my past partner who was black. He said he didn’t think of Mark as black. I said Mark considers himself black. My uncle said of the people in New Orleans pictured on TV after hurricane Katrina that were doing what he considered to be unacceptable behavior … “I hate to say it, but you look on TV and they’re all black.” My sister the day after hurricane Katrina hit said that the hurricane happened because ALL of the people in
When I was eleven years old I met a black boy at church camp and had a deep crush on him and he on me. My father quietly leaned into my ear while waiting for the bus one morning and said that my children would be striped and polka dotted. My mother secretly destroyed my two love letters from Eddie and the two pictures of us together. She never told me that she did it. But I know. And I never put her on the spot and asked her why. My mother cringed when she sat on a bus once in
Emily faces racism.
When I was 36 years young, I thought I was in love. His name was the same as my father’s, Mark. We met in
“If nearness kills love what hope is there for humanity?"
Find an event in your area and attend or better yet, organize one
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We must not be complicit
regarding human to human hatred, bigotry, mass crimes or genocide
Join the "Fidelity Out of Sudan" Campaign
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Zach Hunter is a fifteen year old, who wants to put an end to world-wide slavery
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Starring Ioan Gruffudd
“By arguing on the ‘force of circumstances,’ we have argued all force from ourselves; and stand lashed together, uniform in dress and movement, like the rowers of some boundless galley. Practically considered, our creed is Fatalism; and, free in hand and foot, we are shackled in heart and soul with far straighter than feudal chains.” Thomas Carlyle
Labels: Brothers and Sisters, Cobell v Norton, Darfur, Declaration of Independence, Gandhi, Genocide Homophobia, ilovemylife, Institutionalized Racism, Native American Indians, RI Narragansett, Sexism, Speech Freedom
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We all are one blood, one humanity and of ONE SPIRIT.
Another awesome post. Your raw-nerve stream of consciousness style is very appropriate for the truth you speak.
Thanks for checking back.
It made my day.
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