January 11, 2008
When I was teaching music in the Portsmouth Public Schools in Rhode Island, on one of my bulletin boards I painted in bold, huge colorful letters I CAN BECAUSE I THINK I CAN. This is the very same sentiment at the core of the children’s book “The Little Engine That Could”. A book based on hope and never giving up, while asking for help to get over the mountain for the boys and girls on the other side. After asking many for help who refused, one said although it had never been over the mountain, that it would try. And the mantra of “I think I can” was repeated as the effort was put out. And once the effort reaped success, the mantra turned into “I thought I could”. It is this philosophy that Barack Obama put out in his speech not only at the Primary Party, January 8 in Nashua, New Hampshire, but also today at the College of Charleston in South Carolina. It was on C-Span twice today and is not yet posted on youtube.
Link: C-SPAN
A related article

January 8, 2008
Over and over throughout my life, I have done what I have been discouraged to do for one reason or another. And 98% of the time I have proven them wrong and my belief in trying ~ “right”. Everything I have done has started with a “want to do”, turned into the steps toward whatever it was, then doing it. And that is why, I am sure, that I can say “I love my life”. How exciting to live when you’re alive and not living on someone else’s idea of your hopes and dreams. This is what I see in Barack Obama. Barack’s speech today brought tears welling up, goose bumps and warm chills through my body.
I am starved for this man to be my President. President Obama. I recorded the speech and have it on while writing this. When I listened to it earlier then heard President Bush speak right after in contrast I just shuddered when Bush spoke two words. I shut GW off. Also, the contrast of hearing the other candidates today, just make me want Barack Obama to win even more. There is not one other candidate that I want.
Here comes the racism:
Hillary Supporter, New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, said about Barack on talk radio "You can't shuck and jive at a press conference. All those moves you can make with the press don't work when you're in someone's living room.” This is a racist comment.
Racism is so internalized in many people who don’t recognize their own racism, that the rest of us have the duty to stand up and out to shine a light on their racism. When comments are made such as Karl Rove made against Barack Obama and in favor of Hillary Clinton, it is obvious who Karl Rove wants to win, so that the Republican candidate has a chance to beat her. It is advisable to stop and think who KG is and what kind of integrity Karl Rove has. None.
Karl writes in his Wall Street Journal article about Presidential candidate Barack Obama “He is often lazy, given to misstatements and exaggerations and, when he doesn't know the answer, too ready to try to bluff his way through.” In reality he is instead describing George W Bush.
Furthermore, how would Karl Rove know what "lazy" is? Because he worked for the "hard worker" President GW Bush?
Rove also writes Mr. Obama comes across as a vitamin-starved Adlai Stevenson. His rhetoric, while eloquent and moving at times, has been too often light as air.” “Light as air”? ~ again isn’t he talking about GW Bush? Compare Bush-speak to any one else and think who comes across more light-as-air than Rove’s Bush.

I believe that all those who strike out at Barack's strength of speaking are jealous. And in Rove's case, any Democrat who believes Karl ~ is suspect of unclear thinking ~ to put it mildly. Rove put "a suit" in the Office. And if there has ever been mindless drivel coming out of the mind of a President, Bush is the guy. Rove claims that Barack’s use of a teleprompter proves he is “calculating”.
This is just my opinion: Rove is a jerk.
Karl Rove wants Hillary Clinton to win, so he’s a Hillary pusher. He purports himself as an expert on Hillary. Rove is not someone I would want to be supporting me as a Democrat Presidential candidate. But maybe Hillary does.
Rove said about Senator Obama: “he looked like a smarmy, prissy little guy taking a slap at her (Hillary Clinton)”. If anyone should know “smarmy” it would be Rove. Barack is not smarmy. This is merely Rove showing us “transference”: the process in psychoanalysis whereby somebody unconsciously redirects feelings, fears, or emotions onto another.
I am white. I was born and raised in a white community. I see and hear bigots from family members and friends at times when I know they don’t even realize what they are saying is blatantly racist. MOST bigots don’t know they are exhibiting bigotry. Insidious bigots are worse than those who announce it with pride.
I know there is racism. That is a factor. But that is no reason for you not to vote for Barack. This is a man born to be President of the United States.
And the time is now.
Yes, We CAN
have a country that
We the People
have a say in what direction we will take it.
Rove picked Bush. So let’s not let him pick our Democratic Presidential candidate.
Link to college students who have a conference call with Barack
Barack Obama on Darfur

Labels: Barack Obama for President, bigot, BUSH IS AS SMART AS KARL ROVE, ilovemylife, Karl Rove is a Jerk, Nevada, Racist, Sandra Hammel, Shuck and Jive, Smarmy, South Carolina, Super Tuesday, YES WE CAN
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