
Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Beauty Once Known


which stirs unknown depths

Once known is sufficient

to spend a day, night

and eternity

searching for

one more moment of such

j o y





of Life meeting itself.

By Sandra Hammel


Heath Ledger in The Four Feathers
A wonderful film.
Heath Ledger
Uploaded by Cliffy4479


I can't help it. I am in this Heath Ledger groove. I just "watched" the most interesting radio interview with Heath done December 3, 2007 posted on Youtube in three parts.

Part 1
Uploaded by springrose147

Stephen Schaefer:

Brokeback Mountain really was, you know, in some ways was a career peak, so, or in many ways. Did it really change things for you, in the way you looked at yourself, or, uh the way you felt what you were able to then go do? …as an actor, in terms of what Hollywood would offer you?


Yeah, yeah, yes, it did. Um, I’d like to not to think of it as a peak (laughs) cause I’m only 28, I have a few years."

Schaefer: You can have many peaks.

Heath: Oh, okay, good.

Schaefer: There are peaks and they’re valleys.

Heath: That’s true, true. Okay, um,

Schaefer: One of many career peaks.

Heath: Hopefully. Um, but yeah, it um, I get, yeah it did on many levels, I think personally it did too. I, I um, I’d been looking, I always look for things that challenge me and, and duh, and dum and teach me and, and teach me and, and to be more understanding, accepting human being, an actor and, and, and dum and that was a real task, there were a lot of obstacles and um.

You know, I, uh, I don’t think it was, I don’t think you can say it’s being brave or being courageous. It’s just, you know, uh, I just think it’s being honest, understanding, accepting of myself, and of the story, of the character. It did teach me a lot about that. And about your power. To believe. And, and um. so-o, you know, I-I on a personal level got a lot out of it. And uh, um. And definitely, it, it, uh, um, uh, you know it opened some doors. You know, people are uh, somewhat utterly trusting me more now. (Laughs) Which, I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing, for them. But, um you know, it’s um..so



Part 2
Uploaded by springrose147

Included in this portion is this quote by Heath at 7:06 :

"...and dum, and then I do the Terrence Malik, movie right after that, then um The Tree of Life and then I um, and then I, I'll drop to the ground dead (laughs, Schaefer joins Heath in laughter) for a year...and duh, hybenate...um, mmm".

Transcription of Heath’s answering

The following answer begins at 7:45

Heath: Yeah, I, I guess so. I-I guess you’d… you know, I don’t know whether it’s optimism or just kind of um, I..you know, it’s...

Sometimes , you just, you-you have to kind of throw away the care, like you have to not be too conscious of what will be a success and what won’t be. Uh, cause you really – that’s out of your power. And, and, like I said, look what is success? And um, uh, so I, you know I just, I- I try to look at what I feel like…the, the

Cause for me, like, what a success is – is, I mean the only time that I’m alive, and living and expressing and feeling, and, and relating is, is, is when I’m on set and that time between “action” and “cut” and so that’s the only thing that’s really important is how that experience is, and, and how that experience will affect my life and what I have to give from my life to that experience. And everything that happens after that – is just irrelevant. You know, it’s


Part 3

At 3:33, Stephen Schaefer chooses to follow the interview with the Bob Dylan song, "and now as we rock on out, we're going to be doing Antony and the Johnsons version of

Knockin' on Heavens' Door"

~ Oh, God! ! ~

Uploaded by springrose147

Heath: is, is when I’m on set and that time between “action” and “cut” and so that’s the only thing that’s really important is how that experience is, and, and how that experience will affect my life and what I have to give from my life to that experience. And everything that happens after that – is just irrelevant. You know, it’s (transcription above repeated from Part 2 here on Part 3)

kind of um, if it’s a success, great, if it’s not, great, fine. You know, it’s um, it affects you, or it doesn’t.

But it’s, that shouldn’t in my, my mind, it shouldn’t kind dictate what your choices. Um, I, I –I just want to enjoy myself. I want to learn more. I want to work with good people. Um, creatively and as people who really just good people.

And duh, uh, so that, that, that drives me more than, then, well you know Terry had a really hard time on Brothers Grimm and you know, uh for some odd reason is finding it hard to get his next movie up and running. Oh, w-w, that’s too risky, I can’t be involved with that. No, no it’s like he’s one of the most creative, most visionary minds of, of, ever, in film history. I – I – I and a wonderful figure in my life. And had done a lot for me and cast me in The Brothers Grimm, when no one wanted to work with me at that stage of career. And, and, and uh, you know the company even once Terry brought me on board didn’t want me in the film and wanted to replace me and Terry said “No! I won’t do the movie without him for some odd reason.

Schaefer: Jesus, who knew?! Oh, God.

Heath: Yeah, you know, he, he’d given a lot to me and like if I can do anything to help him out then, then I will and dum, and so, you know, that’s the reason why.

Heath talks about the life of moving between staying home and working in films.

Schaefer: And final question.

And uh, this is something, you know, we ask actresses more often than actors. How do you find trying to have a balance then between your personal life and your professional life? With, you know, is it difficult, we see in the Dylan movie, the part you’re playing, that his personal life seems to really suffer from it. The celebrity.

Heath: Yeah, yeah it is difficult, but um, I mean, I can’t, I think my struggles are different to Robbie’s, I- I, but yeah, it is, but, it’s, it’s kind of heartbreaking in a sense – like having to-o, the inconsistency of your social life –

kind of clocking in, checking in with your friends, and getting back a routine with your family, and, and life and kind of doing the washing, doing the dishes, maintaining your household, uh, commuting, uh, and then that just being chopped off and having three weeks go to London and, and work through Christmas and act in Vancouver and work to Martin and go off to Austin, Texas, and work there for three months then you’re away from them and everything for seven months and then you then you come back and try to rekindle it again, only to have it taken away, a year later. And, and it can be really tiring, it can be really lonely.

It can be (exhales) all these things, but, but, but we still do it. Like it’s because, you know, it’s what we love, it’s something that drives us to it. Or away from it. Or you know, there’s a fascination, an addiction to the lifestyle as well, I think, um. It’s a bit of a double-edged sword, I believe. Um, you know. Cause part of you wants to stay home and do nothing for the rest of your life, but as soon as you’re there, you want to get out and start working.

Schaefer laughs, then Heath joins him) You know?

Schaefer, Yeah.

Okay, this is Stephen Schaefer for WPS1 Beyond the Subtitles.
So long, farewell and “Thank You, Heath Ledger”.

Heath: Thank You, Stephen.


This interview is precious and priceless. Heath is comfortable and relaxed in this interview. Stephen and Heath appear to be friends, here. What a pleasure to hear Heath in this 3 part interview that springrose147 has blessed us with. It is just so hard to deal with the sorrow to have him gone. Not unlike many around the world, I connected with Heath though I didn't "know" him. But Heath connected through his integrity, minus the pretense and hype. Just by being Heath.

Heath, without knowing, left many with an indelible mark. We never forget those who put us in touch with our own souls.

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