I have had to hold my breath for eight years.
I hope I can put my head on the pillow tomorrow night and be able to finally let the air out.
And if Obama wins, let's thank Bush for his mess and send him home early - he's served his time for too long. He needs a vacation. Even though it isn't August.
From the website watchingamerica.com
is the following article.
Dagsavisen, Norway
The World is Waiting for Obama
By Unsigned
Translated By Lars Erik Schou
01 November 2008
Edited by Louis Standish
Norway - Dagsavisen - Original Article (Norwegian)
After eight disastrous years of George W. Bush, there is a need for fundamental change in Washington, not just in respect to America, but for the entire world. The confidence in America must be rebuilt from the ground up. Barack Obama can do that. The world needs an America that can speak with moral authority and who is respected for its will to dialogue about the most pressing, global challenges we are facing.
The election is not over until the votes are counted. Barack Obama has a clear lead in the polls. But polls are not votes, and this year they are less certain than ever. But if the US really elects Obama – with a black father from Kenya and a white mother from Kansas – as its president, it will remove many of the prejudices towards America that exists in the world.
During the campaign, Barack Obama has shown that he has the best understanding and the biggest grip on the incredibly complex challenges posed by economic crisis that we are all facing. The goal is to turn the economic recession around, protect jobs and make sure that all Americans have access to basic healthcare.
John McCain, however, has shown fully that the economy is an area he does not understand, something he also admitted at the start of the campaign. He has been confusing, unclear and has frequently changed his message. But in the end it all comes back to the traditional Republican mantra of tax relief. McCain’s economic plan is no different from the catastrophic policy of George W. Bush.
Barack Obama always looks cool, sober and pragmatic. Abilities that are perfect for a president. John McCain, however, has shown himself to be an angry hothead. McCain is also a gambler, something he has proved with his irresponsible choice for a vice presidential candidate. The world should be spared from a gambler in the White House. If John McCain loses on Tuesday, it will be fully deserved.
Full credit for the following article: Arizona Daily Star (this is the home state of Senator John McCain)
The online website of the Arizona Daily Star: www.azstarnet.com
We see America the way Barack Obama sees America.
Our future requires a steady, intelligent and, as former Secretary of State Colin Powell said, a "transformational" leader to guide us into a new era. Obama brings deep intellectual curiosity, equanimity and discipline.
The ground under America is moving. A generational change is under way with or without Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., or Barack Obama, D-Ill.
The core concerns are more about the future than the past, be it eight years ago or one day ago. They are about the moment and the movement to engage Americans in ways not seen before, especially against a backdrop of economic strife unmatched since the Great Depression.
The time is now and the leader is Barack Obama. The Star endorses Obama for president of the United States.
Like a race car driver going into a turn, a leader must see not only what confronts our nation today but envision where we come out on the other side. Obama sees how the United States is connected to other nations through our economic, immigration, national security and energy policies. No one can thrive alone.
Obama sees a foreign policy where force is but one tool. He envisions countries collaborating to confront bad actors and shared challenges such as global warming, poverty, terrorism, disease and religious extremism.
Obama sees a health-care system in which children can go to the doctor and families aren't forced into bankruptcy by medical bills. He experienced the same hardships many American families face. While his mother was dying of cancer, she battled her insurance company for care.
Obama sees an economy creating jobs through innovation, helping families stay in their homes and lifting the middle class and small businesses. He would reduce taxes for the majority of Americans and not raise taxes on those making less than $250,000.
He's proved himself with his nuanced understanding of complicated issues. His vision is not built on rhetoric. He offers substantive, detailed policies and the acumen to make these changes a reality.
He demonstrates leadership by surrounding himself with smart people who will strengthen his administration. For vice president Obama chose Joseph Biden, a U.S. senator with 35 years of experience, a foreign policy expert qualified to be president.
This moment in history requires courage to change. Our nation must find a way to restore the confidence that our government is of the people, by the people, for the people — all of our people.
We share Obama's vision of America. And we share his urgency. END of text.
Cheney's hometown paper endorses Obama
Miami Herald endorses Obama
Endorsements for Obama
My Endorsement: Obama and His Global Outlook by Madison J. Gray
Cheney's Parting Gift
Catch what the world's journalists are saying: watchingamerica.com
Le Monde, France Why Obama? Original Article (French) "America is more disliked than she has ever been: caught up in two never-ending wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, she’s short of both moral and political credibility. " | |
NOS, Netherlands America with Warts and Pimples Original Article (Dutch) | |
Le Monde, France The Day When Obama Became Black Original Article (French) | |
Dagsavisen, Norway The World is Waiting for Obama Original Article (Norwegian) ![]() | |
Berliner Morgenpost, Germany Why John McCain Trails in the Polls Original Article (German) ![]() "We’re entering the finger-pointing and positioning-for-history part of the campaign. It’s every man for himself now. " | |
Cyberpresse, Canada For Obama Original Article (French) | |
L'actualite, Canada Obama Has Proved His Worth Original Article (French) | |
La Prensa, Honduras A Chat with Sarah Palin Original Article (Spanish) |
Saturday_Night_Live November 1, 2008
John McCain and Tina Fey as Sarah Palin
Labels: Bush Can Leave Early, Endorsed By A Brain, GIVE PEACE A CHANCE vote change, ilovemylife, Obama for President, Sandra Hammel, VOTE FOR OBAMA, We Are Watching You
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