
Sunday, October 11, 2009


When I was younger


When I was younger, in the days before computers, cell phones, DVDs, CDs, digital cameras….you get the picture….we listened to music on the radio. I would directly record music from the radio onto audio cassettes. I know that makes me old.

Artists, otherwise known as musicians, would want the radio stations to play their music to get exposure. I am sure musicians asked, and asked and sometimes paid to get their music exposed to the public.

Today, we have sites such as youtube. I have discovered music and movies by surfing youtube, that otherwise I would never have heard of. And when available in the USA or online, I then buy the DVDs and CDs. Many times movies aren’t released in the USA. Sad for us, here.

Youtube has made the radio obsolete in this way for me. Youtube is the place if you want your music and movies to get FREE advertisement. Or not.

The problem with this potential free advertisement is companies such as WMG (Warner Music Group), NBC Universal and some artists - don’t get it. Instead of using Youtube’s magnetic commercial bonanza, and posting links to their songs and movies used by we little, insignificant people, they cling on to the copyright laws and forbid us to use their music and movies to create and be their free advertising agencies. Really not thinking this one out – are they(?) Not good business sense.

And the really confusing thing is, I can post their movies and music and have not a problem. As a matter of fact three of my youtube videos have been youtube “featured videos” for many weeks now. When I put up a new one recently, YT only exchanged my “anti genocide” featured video with my Heath Ledger video, which included recorded music of Bruce Springsteen and clips from the dvd of A Knight’s Tale. Then I wanted to make another one using Rod Stewart’s For The First Time. So I checked YT to see if his music was being used by other YT posters. In deed it was. So I proceeded as I often do, to begin my work when it was time to go to bed. Proudly I got it done. Never knowing if Youtube will be a successful upload without the usual glitches not present in iMovie when I last saved it, I was pleased to have a successful upload with everything, even though I was slightly over the 10 minute limit.

Then, it happened. I was told I couldn’t use the movie clips (which I had used in my YT Featured movies prior to this recent upload). And soon after "success" was announced by YT to my upload, YT then told me that my video was muted because I used music that I didn’t create. Yes, like a million other copyright infringement citizens.

You creatively match up all your videos with words and phrases of the song you select, then it is muted. Splice, chop, edit, fine tune, overlap, shorten, lengthen. Then it’s over. No go.

Well, I thought I’ll buy a karaoke version and sing it myself. But I found a karaoke with a singer on it. So I proceeded to start over trying to match up the karaoke version with my video. Not as good of an arrangement, and the singer sounds like a lounge singer who over dramatizes. I tweaked some of the visual stuff as I kept creating as the creative process is never over. Of course there is no guarantee that I won’t be muted with this version. Then I put in a song that I sang years ago and had recorded. It has mistakes on it and certainly isn’t something I am proud of. The piano needed tuning. It is not professionally recorded – just some simple equipment here at home. So, I’ll know soon if I can keep this one on Youtube. On the first upload of my most recent video, YT contradicted itself, telling me that the video was banned worldwide while telling me also it was available only to some countries. Worldwide versus Some. Hmmmm….

I checked YT again…yes, others have had the very same movies on their YTs that I used and the videos have been on YT for years or months. And with other artists’ music. So, the rule is, sometimes you can and sometimes you can’t. Telling us all that we can’t, just isn’t working. So, instead of fighting it, artists need embrace it, to make it work for them to make more money and take it as good business to use our creative little youtubes to flourish and take it as a compliment. We don’t spend all night sitting at a computer with stiff legs, and sore backs working, no sleep and being drained for days after - spent on tributes to movies, directors, writers, actors and musicians, that we don’t adore. Take it as a high compliment and work with us and not against us.

I am going to start looking at the company of CDs and DVDs and do my best not to buy from WMG (Audio content) and NBC Universal (Video content). Sony Music has let me use "their" artists, though I get the notice from YT. Some thoughtful and wise artists and companies are putting their links to buy the songs used on YT directly on the Youtubes we create. Now, that is smart business sense.

I always put links on my YT sidebar to purchase the music and movies that I am giving tributes to. And I often put the encouragement to buy the products used also on the YT video itself. I'll have to check on this one, I may have neglected to put the "links to buy" after all the edits and re-edits.

Stepping down.


Youtube has disabled my second attempt from the USA.

Even karaoke isn't being allowed - with the lounge singer who over dramatizes the song.

Does this mean if I sing with a karaoke instrumental of For the First Time, that will also be muted?

Youtube won't allow an embed. And after spending a second all nighter trying to resolve issues of being disabled, I got the message that the second video - for audio and visual reasons is banned from the USA.

Just below is a link to my latest video -the object of my subject here. I am not sure how long it will remain up and not sure if you are from the USA if you can see it. Probably not. I can and I am from the USA, but I don't know how long that will last for me. And may be true because I am the poster.
Uploaded by me ~ ilovemylifesblog

Original title at Youtube to this video


New Youtube title to the video I created



“The Most Beautiful Thing You Ever Said Was When Your Eyes Rested in Mine” Sandra Hammel

The best acting is done, not with words but organically, from the integrity of the actor’s soul. Heath shows us that, still.

Concentration on eyes, body language, movement, artistic lines and face expressions were used to make this video. As always, some favorite seconds had to be left out, such as in A Knight’s Tale when Heath steps into the sadle’s stirrup with one movement and the inclusion of Djimon Hounsou as Abou Fatmain The Four Feathers. I find those particular things extra specially beautiful and artistic.

Music Credits:

For the First Time

Pocket Songs Karaoke

Originally, Rod Stewart's version was used for the entire video from the CD If We Fall in Love Tonight, but then there was WMG (Warners Music Group)…I prefer Rod's version.

Sandra Hammel

Lovers Such As I

Composed by Jimmy Webb

Movies included:

A Knight’s Tale


Brokeback Mountain

I’m Not There

The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus

DVDs available at http://www.amazon.com/ except for The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus. Trailer

The first attempt, I spent….I don’t know maybe 15 hours or more doing the video. Then, uploaded it and it was audio disabled….


For the First Time

Are those your eyes
Is that your smile
Ive been looking at you forever
Yet I never saw you before
Are these your hands holding mine
Now I wonder how I could have been so blind
And for the first time I am looking in your eyes
For the first time Im seeing who you are
I cant believe how much I see
When youre looking back at me
Now I understand what love is, love is
For the first time

Can this be real
Can this be true
Am I the person I was this morning
And are you the same you
Its all so strange
How can it be
All along this love was right in front of me
And for the first time I am looking in your eyes
For the first time Im seeing who you are
I cant believe how much I see
When youre looking back at me
Now I understand what love is, love is
For the first time

Such a long time ago I had given up
On finding this emotion ever again
But youre here with me now
Yes I found you somehow
And Ive never been so sure
And for the first time I am looking in your eyes
For the first time Im seeing who you are
Cant believe how much I see
When youre looking back at me
Now I understand what love is, love is
For the first time
For the first time

This post's specific address:


Two of my blog posts about Heath:



I especially connected with Heath’s statement:

Cause for me, like, what a success is – is, I mean the only time that I’m alive, and living and expressing and feeling, and, and relating is, is, is when I’m on set and that time between “action” and “cut” and so that’s the only thing that’s really important is how that experience is, and, and how that experience will affect my life and what I have to give from my life to that experience.

Partial transcript included below of Heath’s interview about “He’s Not There” and where he mentions the movie, “The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus:

Sometimes , you just, you-you have to kind of throw away the care, like you have to not be too conscious of what will be a success and what won’t be. Uh, cause you really – that’s out of your power. And, and, like I said, look what is success? And um, uh, so I, you know I just, I- I try to look at what I feel like…the, the

Cause for me, like, what a success is – is, I mean the only time that I’m alive, and living and expressing and feeling, and, and relating is, is, is when I’m on set and that time between “action” and “cut” and so that’s the only thing that’s really important is how that experience is, and, and how that experience will affect my life and what I have to give from my life to that experience. And everything that happens after that – is just irrelevant. You know, it’s when I’m on set and that time between “action” and “cut” and so that’s the only thing that’s really important is how that experience is, and, and how that experience will affect my life and what I have to give from my life to that experience. And everything that happens after that – is just irrelevant. You know, it’s kind of um, if it’s a success, great, if it’s not, great, fine. You know, it’s um, it affects you, or it doesn’t. But it’s, that shouldn’t in my, my mind, it shouldn’t kind dictate what your choices. Um, I, I –I just want to enjoy myself. I want to learn more. I want to work with good people. Um, creatively and as people who really just good people.

And duh, uh, so that, that, that drives me more than, then, well you know Terry (Gilliam) had a really hard time on Brothers Grimm and you know, uh for some odd reason is finding it hard to get his next movie up and running. Oh, w-w, that’s too risky, I can’t be involved with that. No, no it’s like he’s one of the most creative, most visionary minds of, of, ever, in film history. I – I – I and a wonderful figure in my life.

Links to the interview that the above quotes were transcribed from:

Part 1 Beyond the Subtitles

Part 2 Beyond the Subtitles

Part 3 Beyond the Subtitles

Tell Sony Pictures Classics (USA) to release The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus in our local theatres: Sony_Classics@spe.sony.com

The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus support site: http://www.imaginariumofdrparnassus.com/


Images of Heath Ledger in The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus



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