at the
Millionaire Fair
November 28, 2008 ~ Moscow
Photos Thanks to Natalie of
Homenaje del Presidente del Gobierno al equipo ganador de la Copa Davis 2008.
The translation of this article www.elpais.com/especial/protagonistas/rafael-nadal
is included in the text below.
The humility of a series outside
Es el número uno del tenis mundial. Is the number one tennis world. Este año ha conquistado Roland Garros, Wimbledon, el oro olímpico en Pekín y, por si fuera poco, el Premio Príncipe de Asturias de los Deportes This year has won Roland Garros, Wimbledon, the Olympic gold in Beijing and, if this were not enough, the Prince of Asturias Award for Sports
Por Toni Nadal By Toni Nadal
M acarroni, tortellini, spaghetti… y Natali, que era yo, su tío Toni. M acarroni, tortellini, spaghetti ... and Natali, it was me, his uncle Toni. Ésta era la alineación del Milan, el club de fútbol que me fichó para cosechar grandes éxitos, parecidos a los que obtuve también en ciclismo, nada menos que cinco Tour de Francia. This was the alignment of Milan, the soccer club that signed me to reap great successes, similar to those obtained in cycling, no less than five Tour de France.
Rafael disfrutaba de mis relatos y, por supuesto, se lo creía todo. Rafael enjoyed my stories and, of course, I believed everything. No se le ocurría poner en duda la veracidad de lo que le contaba. He was not going to question the veracity of what he had.
El hecho de ser el primer niño que nació en la familia, su contagioso entusiasmo, su inocencia y su candidez lo convirtieron en nuestro juguete. Being the first child born in the family, his contagious enthusiasm, her innocence and gullibility turned it into our toy.
Aparte de mis habilidades deportivas, yo era mago. Apart from my sports skills, I was a magician. Una de las anécdotas que recuerdo con más cariño tiene que ver precisamente con mis dotes harrypotterianas. Yo dirigía la Escuela de Tenis del Club de Manacor. One of the anecdotes that I remember with more affection has to do precisely with my talents harrypotterianas. I ran the School of Manacor Tennis Club. Teníamos un torneo en otro pueblo y uno de los chicos que iban a jugar me falló. We had a tournament in another town and one of the guys who were going to play me wrong. Le dije a Rafael que él iba a ser su sustituto. I told Rafael that he was going to be his replacement. Contaba sólo siete años y era su primer partido de competición. He counted only seven years and was his first game of competition. Su contrincante tenía catorce años y ya estaba experimentado. His opponent was fourteen and already experienced. La paliza que iba a recibir era fácil de predecir para un mago como yo. The beating was going to receive it was easy to predict for a magician like me. Salimos en mi coche para ir a jugar el partido y yo le iba dando tácticas para descentrar al oponente, las tácticas más locas que se me fueron ocurriendo. We went out in my car to go to play the game and I was going to give decentralized tactics for the opponent, tactics more mad that I was going on. Rafael se moría de la risa. Rafael was dying of laughter. Al final le dije: “No, ahora en serio, Rafael. At the end I said, 'No, now seriously, Rafael. Si veo que te da una paliza descomunal, tú no te preocupes, que yo haré llover y pararemos el partido”. If I see that gives you a huge beating, you do not worry, that I will stop raining and the match. " “¿En serio?”, me preguntó, “¿puedes hacer que llueva?”. "Really?" I asked, "Can you make it rain?". “¡Por favor, Rafael! Con mi magia puedo hacer de todo”. "Please, Rafael! With my magic can do anything."
El cielo estaba nublado y el partido empezó como yo había previsto. The sky was overcast and the party began as I had anticipated. Rafael iba perdiendo 3-0. Rafael was losing 3-0. Pero con siete años Rafael ya era muy luchador y tenía una confianza verdaderamente ciega en sí mismo; así que empezó a remontar el partido y consiguió poner el marcador 3-2. But seven years and was very Rafael fighter and had a truly blind trust in himself, so I started to pick up the game and managed to make the score 3-2. En ese momento, como había previsto el parte meteorológico, se puso a llover y paré el partido. At that time, as he had expected the weather, it was raining and stopped the match. A los cinco minutos de esperar, Rafael se me acercó sigilosamente y en un susurro me dijo: “Toni, puedes parar la lluvia cuando quieras; ¡creo que le puedo ganar!”. A five-minute wait, Rafael quietly approached me and told me in a whisper: "Jack, you can stop the rain when you want it, I think I can win."
Esta anécdota la he contado en muchas ocasiones por la gracia que me hizo, pero también porque define muy bien el carácter de Rafael. I told this story many times by the grace that made me, but also because it defines very well the nature of Rafael.
Lo que yo destacaría de él es esa capacidad de lucha que ya demostraba de pequeñito. What I would emphasize it is this ability to fight and showed it to tiny. Si hay algo que se echa en falta hoy día en cualquier ámbito y en cualquier profesión, aunque afortunadamente no en todos los casos, es precisamente la voluntad de superación, el esfuerzo, la perseverancia y la satisfacción por el trabajo bien hecho. If something is missing today in any field and in any profession, though fortunately not in all cases, it is precisely the will to overcome, effort, perseverance and satisfaction for a job well done.
Rafael es sobre todo un trabajador, y sería bueno que éste volviera a ser un valor en alza. Rafael is above all a worker, and that it would be good to be back a hike in value. Tengo la convicción de que la satisfacción viene por la vía del esfuerzo. I am convinced that the satisfaction comes through the effort. Y si consiguiéramos que la sociedad asumiera esto, si se lo inculcáramos a nuestros jóvenes, dejaríamos resueltos muchos de los problemas que tenemos. And if you assume that the company obtain this, if it inculcáramos to our young people leave resolved many of the problems we have.
No voy a enumerar las virtudes de mi sobrino porque me avergonzaría hacerlo y, sobre todo, porque sacaría las cosas de la normalidad en que están. I will not enumerate the virtues of my nephew because I am ashamed to do so and, above all, because it would draw things that are normal. Rafael es eso, un chico normal que ha sido educado para ser normal, pero la repercusión mediática de su trabajo le obliga moralmente y muy humildemente a servir de ejemplo. Rafael is that, a normal guy who has been educated to be normal, but the media impact of their work forces him morally and very humbly to serve as an example. Los padres de Rafael lo han educado de tal forma que le han reconocido los buenos resultados en todo lo referente a su formación, pero jamás le han escatimado el esfuerzo. Rafael's parents have educated so that you have acknowledged the good results in all matters relating to their training, but you never have spared the effort. No voy a negar que existen unas habilidades innatas, pero lo importante bajo mi punto de vista es que uno tenga la satisfacción de cumplir con su deber. I will not deny that there are innate abilities, but the important thing in my view is that one has the satisfaction of fulfilling their duty.
Rafael demuestra siempre interés por su trabajo; es disciplinado y persistente. Rafael always shown interest in his work is disciplined and persistent. Y no me refiero sólo a los partidos. And I am not referring only to the parties. Siempre se entrega en los entrenamientos, en su trabajo con su preparador y con su fisioterapeuta. Always comes in training, in his work with his coach and his physiotherapist. Y éste es el verdadero valor de lo que hace; tener interés por hacer bien su trabajo, superarse y aprender cada día un poco más. And this is the true value of what it does, have an interest to do their job well, overcome and learn a little more each day. Al fin y al cabo, el tenis sólo consiste en pasar una bola por encima de una red. After all, tennis is to move only one ball over a network. Sentirse especial por ser bueno en tenis sería tan tonto como sentirse especial por jugar bien al escondite. Feel special by being good at tennis would be so foolish as to feel special by playing well at the hideout. Es por esto por lo que hay que buscarle algo más. It is for this reason that we must look for something else. Rafael disfruta de su profesión porque disfruta luchando, obligándose a trabajar ya intentar mejorar. Rafael enjoys his profession because they enjoy fighting, obliged to work and try to improve.
Pienso que el éxito de Rafael es vivir todo lo que le está ocurriendo con total normalidad; confiar en sí mismo, pero sin dejar nada al azar. I think the success of Rafael is to live everything that is happening is completely normal; rely on itself, but leaving nothing to chance. Su mérito está mucho más en su voluntad trabajadora que en un don innato. Its merit is much more in his will that a worker innate gift. Y puedo asegurar que yo he tenido muy poco que ver. And I can assure you that I have had very little to do. Precisamente esto es lo que más me llena de orgullo. That is precisely what most fills me with pride. Jamás me ha pedido la intervención de mi magia para ganar un partido. I have never asked for the intervention of my magic to win a match.
Toni Nadal es entrenador y tío de Rafael Nadal. And coach Toni Nadal is uncle of Rafael Nadal.
Wimbledon Final 2008 ~ Roger Federer vs. Rafael Nadal
Uploaded by udarunaetruc
And here is the google translation of the above article ~ they are always awkward and a little inaccurate in the translation:
The humility of a series outside
Is the number one tennis world. This year has won Roland Garros, Wimbledon, the Olympic gold in Beijing and, if this were not enough, the Prince of Asturias Award for Sports
By Toni Nadal
Macarroni, tortellini, spaghetti ... and Natali, it was me, his uncle Toni. This was the alignment of Milan, the soccer club that signed me to reap great successes, similar to those obtained in cycling, no less than five Tour de France.
Rafael enjoyed my stories and, of course, I believed everything. He was not going to question the veracity of what he had.
Being the first child born in the family, his contagious enthusiasm, his innocence and made him their gullibility in our toy.
Apart from my sports skills, I was a magician. One of the anecdotes that I remember with more affection has to do precisely with my talents harrypotterianas. I ran the School of Manacor Tennis Club. We had a tournament in another town and one of the guys who were going to play me wrong. I told Rafael that he was going to be his replacement. He counted only seven years and was his first game of competition. His opponent was fourteen and already experienced. The beating was going to receive it was easy to predict for a magician like me. We went out in my car to go to play the game and I was going to give decentralized tactics for the opponent, tactics more mad that I was going on. Rafael was dying of laughter. At the end I said, 'No, now seriously, Rafael. If I see that gives you a huge beating, you do not worry, that I will stop raining and the match. " "Really?" I asked, "Can you make it rain?". "Please, Rafael! With my magic can do anything. "
The sky was overcast and the party began as I had anticipated. Rafael was losing 3-0. But seven years and was very Rafael fighter and had a truly blind trust in himself, so I started to pick up the game and managed to make the score 3-2. At that time, as he had expected the weather, it was raining and stopped the match. A five-minute wait, Rafael quietly approached me and told me in a whisper: "Jack, you can stop the rain when you want it, I think I can win."
I told this story many times by the grace that made me, but also because it defines very well the nature of Rafael.
What I would emphasize it is this ability to fight and showed it to tiny. If something is missing today in any field and in any profession, though fortunately not in all cases, it is precisely the will to overcome, effort, perseverance and satisfaction for a job well done.
Rafael is above all a worker, and that it would be good to be back a hike in value. I am convinced that the satisfaction comes through the effort. And if you assume that the company obtain this, if it inculcáramos to our young people leave resolved many of the problems we have.
I will not enumerate the virtues of my nephew because I am ashamed to do so and, above all, because it would draw things that are normal. Rafael is that, a normal guy who has been educated to be normal, but the media impact of their work forces him morally and very humbly to serve as an example. Rafael's parents have educated so that you have acknowledged the good results in all matters relating to their training, but you never have spared the effort. I will not deny that there are innate abilities, but the important thing in my view is that one has the satisfaction of fulfilling their duty.
Rafael always shown interest in his work is disciplined and persistent. And I am not referring only to the matches. Always comes in training, in his work with his coach and his physiotherapist. And this is the true value of what it does, have an interest to do their job well, overcome and learn a little more each day. After all, tennis is to move only one ball over a network. Feel special by being good at tennis would be so foolish as to feel special by playing well at the hideout. It is for this reason that we must look for something else. Rafael enjoys his profession because they enjoy fighting, obliged to work and try to improve.
I think the success of Rafael is to live everything that is happening is completely normal; rely on itself, but leaving nothing to chance. Its merit is much more in his will that a worker inborn gift. And I can assure you that I have had very little to do. That is precisely what most fills me with pride. I have never asked for the intervention of my magic to win a match.
And coach Toni Nadal is uncle of Rafael Nadal.
Rafael Nadal ~ One Moment in Time
Uploaded by suziii24
November 30, 2008
Labels: Charity, Davis Cup, Football, goalkeeper, Iker Casillas, ilovemylife, Interview, Malaria, Millionaire Fair, Moscow, Rafael Nadal, Real Madrid, Sandra Hammel, Spain, Tennis
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