I became a democrat when I grew up ~ the sole democrat in my family and raised in an extremely conservative fundamentalist church . I still visit that church when I go back to Huntington, Indiana. This past summer I went to the Wednesday night Bible class at this church. They were doing a series on the Bible and politics. The minister asked us which law we think stands out the most and deserves our attention. I volunteered, “that’s easy ~ the Patriot Act.” But immediately, the discussion was dominated by a woman who went on about why abortion is the most important issue of the country, clearly.
Onto the Hillary hijacking the important discussion of issues about the USA, the world and politics being responsible . . .
Did Hillary hire a Karl Rove wannabe? It sure looked like it when I watched the sleezy body language, backed up by the words of her campaign strategist, Mark Penn on MSNBC’s Chris Matthews’ Hardball last night. A swaying Mark Penn smiled the entire time while he brought up what he said was over. Both David Axelrod and Joe Trippi, strategists for Barack Obama and John Edwards were classy while Mark Penn continued his slime tactical errors.
When Bill Clinton was continuously attacked during his two terms as President he was sidetracked from dealing with issues that should have been dealt with. One example was the Monica Lewinsky period ~ the one that Bill Clinton ~ “did not have sexual relations with that woman” media hype. I learned later when I read books on the 1994 Rwandan genocide that Clinton chose to do nothing to help diffuse the heightening problems in Rwanda which was at this time. I had always liked Bill Clinton and stood up for him and Hillary when they were bad-mouthed in the teachers’ room. But this one thing turned me against Bill after he was out of office.
But I still respected Hillary. And when this Presidential season started I was tuned in right away. Mostly because I am so disgusted with the Bush lies, the human rights disregard and our international reputation negative factors. But when I finally got cable TV this year, I was able to watch nightly shows that enabled me to stay up-to-the-minute informed. I am a Darfur activist so I also am involved politically because we need political leaders to step up and do right by the people of Darfur where nearly a five year old genocide is being waged supported by the Sudanese government, China and Russia’s support on the UN Security Council and our investments through companies that invest in Sinopec and PetroChina in Sudan.
I was born April 2, 1949. Hillary Rodham Clinton was born October 26,1947. We are of the same generation. World War II ended in 1945. I have a B.S. and a M.M. I consider myself to be a person of principle and integrity, articulate and politically liberal. I am working as a volunteer for the Barack Obama campaign for President of the United State of America. As I posted previously, I'm not against Hillary, but I am for Barack. But that has all changed. I am now against Hillary.
When George Bush had others doing his dirty work for him when he campaigned for his two terms of the Presidency, he got off by many. But when campaigns are allowed to be slinging things for the purpose of affecting people’s image of a candidate’s character ~ it reflects on the candidate. Hillary has not removed herself from the dirty tricks campaigning by her staff. She in reality condones it.
She herself is so vulnerable but you haven’t heard anyone slinging mud about her or Bill.
She was elected United States Senator from New York on November 7, 2000. She has been in politics since 2001. No one has mentioned the possibilities of our country’s serious problems not getting addressed because Bill may once again stray or the Clinton attackers will start up again with earnest if she is the democratic nominee. And yet her camp, is saying she is the safe candidate because she has been vetted and we know what we are getting.
Yes, in a way. But no.
What Hillary SAID, is not true, as it turns out
Hillary is smart. But her campaign has taken a road following the Republican Play Book. Irrelevant and side-tracking trickery. And she is the one who criticized the use of the Republican Play Book in regards to the democratic Presidency race.
If you care about this country’s political health you wouldn’t be wasting our time with the “Dirty Tricks”, Hillary.
Last night, her strategist, Mark Penn, said she was the candidate for change. Really? So she jumped from running as the “experienced" candidate that she has been claiming trumps all and that she is? Campaigning without “Dirty Tricks” would be a change. And Hillary is not showing us that “change”.
"...I was a big Hillary Clinton supporter when this race started. ... I kept seeing this disconnect because the candidate I was supporting wasn’t focused on the same things I was focused on. And I finally said no, I’m not going to stay a supporter of hers anymore. So yesterday, I pulled her campaign sign out of my front lawn and put a Barack Obama sign in its place. ...So today, I’m proud to call myself an Obama supporter. And I hope you’ll share my story with anyone you think is also tired of silly attacks, and interested in bringing about real change." Susan Klopfer
Hillary can’t be an instrument for change and run her campaign in the old style of smearing her oppoent, Barack Obama. This is OLD SCHOOL POLITICS. It is playing the game in the same old, same old way that many of us are ~ to put it mildly ~ sick of.
Never in my life, have I worked on any candidate’s campaign. But I am now. Barack Obama has integrity. And that is my number one desired quality that I want in my President. I don’t see Hillary behaving with integrity, especially since her Obama smearing tactics have gone into swing. I can put my trust in Senator Obama, but I cannot into what I see of Hillary and her “mouths”.
Senator Clinton claims to have apologized to Barack today at the airport about this last smear, but she didn’t really mean it. The proof for me is that she allowed her number one strategist, Penn, continue to put the smear front and center on TV last night while saying it was over and after her pretend apology.
I smell a rat.

Here is a relatively recent article about Hillary and her flip-flopping personality and pretend characteristics:
From The Sunday Times
October 21, 2007
Ouch! Hillary Clinton's softer image is clawed over dumped cat
We could all dig up stuff on Hillary. The material is ripe. I remember stories of when she was First Lady that are not complimentary about her. And the subject of Bill’s potential indiscretions is always a possible deterrent from what should be on a President’s concentration.
The Clinton Years
Help in New Hampshire for Barack Obama
Call 1~800~GENOCIDE
and ask your U.S. Representative and Senators
to pass the funding fully for the UN Peacekeepers
for Darfur
President Bush's Comment Phone Line
He needs a push to do something right.
Labels: Barack Obama '08, Clinton Didn't Inhale, Democrats, Hillary's Smearing Tactics, ilovemylife, Monica Lewinsky, Obama Has Integrity, Penn was Sleezy on Hardball, Republican Play Book, Sandra Hammel
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