Mr. Bush will be forever linked to Guantanamo Bay and Abu Ghraib. Not to mention his lies, Iraq and his choice of people to surround himself with.
When I was a kid, we had a next door neighbor boy who changed the rules when he didn't like how things were going in play. I read somewhere that one of George's cousins said this is how George operated when he was a kid. He hasn't changed. He does the same thing today. Don't like the law that has just been passed? He makes it okay if he doesn't want to follow it.
All I had to do to come up with information to back this up was type in the window: Bush Law signings. And there was a list of links to all sorts of articles about Bush and his law side-stepping.
Here is just one link:Bush

Bush challenges hundreds of laws
President cites powers of his office
WASHINGTON -- President Bush has quietly claimed the authority to disobey more than 750 laws enacted since he took office, asserting that he has the power to set aside any statute passed by Congress when it conflicts with his interpretation of the Constitution.
and in Berlin (Germany) there was a screening of an Abu Ghraib filmThursday, 13 Dec 2007
The 58th Berlin Film Festival will screen an investigative documentary about the human right's violations at Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison.
Source: presstv
And here is a link Tear down a piece of Guantánamo Bay
Source: Amnesty International USA

Current government policy allows foreign nationals to be held in a US military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba as "enemy combatants," without charges and with no legal rights. The government plans to try them before military tribunals, where they can be sentenced to imprisonment or even death with virtually no review.
For what this means in practice, see the photos below of men captured in Afghanistan being transported, hooded and hog-tied, in military aircraft to Guantanamo Bay. Le Monde Diplomatique article, United States: the Black Hole of GuantanamoA description of the physical setup of the prisons at Guantanamo
Source: guantanamo
I received the information below from Larry Cox, Executive Director of
Amnesty International USA on December 5, 2007:
The Supreme Court will hear Bush administration lawyers attempt to defend the indefensible: that the President can hold people indefinitely, without charge and without question. With fundamental human rights principles on the line let's hope the Supreme Court rejects this lawlessness and demands an end to the injustice that flows from it.
A thousand miles from the Supreme Court steps, Amnesty International will be observing another crucial hearing today. This one will take place at Guantánamo Bay and while it will get less press attention, it is no less important.
While the Supreme Court considers whether or not Congress improperly took away the writ of habeas corpus from detainees in Guantánamo, a hearing will be convened to determine whether or not Salim Ahmed Hamdan is an "unlawful enemy combatant" and subject to trial by military commission. Under the Military Commissions Act, "unlawful enemy combatants" cannot challenge the evidence brought before them or object to being convicted on evidence obtained through brutal means.
The two hearings are not unrelated.
Both challenge the administration's attacks on our system of justice. Both challenge the assertion that fear, not freedom, guides our country. But even more important, both hearings present a clear opportunity to move our nation back on track -- to a place of respect for truth, justice and liberty. As four Supreme Court Justices put it, "[I]if this Nation is to remain true to the ideals symbolized by its flag, it must not wield the tools of tyrants even to resist an assault by the forces of tyranny."
Call 1~800~GENOCIDE
and ask your U.S. Representative and Senators
to pass the funding fully for the UN Peacekeepers
for Darfur
President Bush's Comment Phone Line
He needs a push to do something right.
Labels: Abu Ghraib, Amnesty, Bush Can't Possibly Be a Christian, Commander in Chief, Decider, Guantanamo Bay, ilovemylife, Justice Obliterated, Sandra Hammel, Torture, VOTE SMART, Waterboarding and Bush
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