
Saturday, January 1, 2011


I practiced the piano and singing tonight for four hours. The last song I sang is one that is not in my list of songs that I am preparing for singing at this time. But I like the song very much. I found someone else likes it too...


Lyrics to Old Coat ~

Take off your old coat and roll up your sleeves,
Life is a hard road to travel, I believe.

I look to the east, I look to the west,
A youth asking fate to be rewardin'.
But fortune is a blind god, flying through the clouds,
and forgettin' me on this side of Jordan.

Take off your old coat and roll up your sleeves,
Life is a hard road to travel, I believe.

Silver spoons to some mouths, golden spoons to others,
Dare a man to change the given order.
Though they smile and tell us all of us are brothers,
never was it true this side of Jordan.

Take off your old coat and roll up your sleeves,
Life is a hard road to travel, I believe.

Like some ragged owlet with its wings expanded,
Nailed to some garden gate or boardin'.
Thus will I by some men all my life be branded
Never hurted none this side of Jordan.

Take off your old coat and roll up your sleeves,
Life is a hard road to travel, I believe.

The post below, I originally posted December 11, 2007. I have a series of posts that were duplicated at Zimbio from this blog. At Zimbio posts are categorized under a "zine". I created a zine, but no one can really find this one too easily...because Zimbio isn't geared to my kind of topic. You can click this post title to find my various posts under the topic which is

FEELING ALIVE: WHAT MAKES ME FEEL ALIVE…LIFE AT ITS BEST IS WHEN OUR PASSIONS LIGHT US UP, when we feel free to be ourselves without fear of rejection, able to trust someone with our vulnerabilities, connect on some level that we just know we are fully alive.

Two people had gone to these Zimbio "zine" links yesterday, so I revisited them tonight.


Manet and his Daughter

When I listen to music, there is always a favorite place in the music that I love. Take Beethoven's Ninth Symphony, I especially like the 3rd movement, Adagio molto e cantabile and the 4th movements "other worldly" climax where the chorus comes in with the Ode to Joy. On any CD I have one or two favorite songs, that I play so many times that I think I'll ruin that part of the CD. I love certain scenes in movies or plays that only last a minute or two. And I am willing to sit through it all, if I need to just to get to those parts that I so adore and connect with. Or I buy the DVD and go right to that part.

And certain times and experiences in my life have the same loving hold on me. And my time in Avignon, France many years ago is such a stand-out in my life ~ that it will forever hold a special place in my heart and will share in the short list of the top best experiences of my life.

By chance or kismet, I got off the train in Avignon, France one day in the summer of 1974. And there I was in the middle of the Festival D'Avignon. And that night a stranger walked by me and asked me if I wanted to see something fantastic and I followed him inside to an outside performance of the Cuban National Ballet Company jazz dancing. It was a night that transcended limits of joy and gratitude to be a member of the human race. And that is special.

And this would never have happened if I lived my life safely and inside the "box" that I was raised to live inside. This happened to me the very first trip to Europe that I took because I was encouraged by a stranger I met on a train on Long Island who said he was a butterfly catcher. When in fact, he was a medical student at the time at Brown University. For six weeks, there I was on the best trip of my lifetime ~ by myself. When I got off the plane in Luxembourg, Luxembourg, I didn't even know where I was going next. Soon, I figured I wanted to go to Switzerland. Then every few days I decided what direction to take the train in next. In the end, I included Italy, Greece and Spain, back to Italy then headed back to the airport in Luxembourg, Luxembourg. I loved that fantastic 6 weeks of my life. The best experience! So grateful I followed Peter's advice.


The Festival of Avignon, France 2007

I love my life.

Source: ilovemylifebrothersandsisters.blogspot.com/2007/12/moments-that-define-your-life

Another post under this zine is the following ~

Boyfriends and Life
This previous post November 24, 2007, includes my dream of singing in public. But I have such a fear of doing it, that it had been something I hadn't done. But I began two years ago and continue now. In an week I am singing - one paying and not paying.

The post begins ~

"...Our loves are only symbols of an unknown immortality...

and what is supposed to be gone and past is often more real than ever..."
Cedric Wright"...Our loves are only symbols of an unknown immortality...

and what is supposed to be gone and past is often more real than ever..."

Cedric Wright

Click on Boyfriends and Life to read the entire post


New Posting

Another version of Light One Candle

Deterring a Possible War and Genocide in Sudan

A message from George Clooney and John Prendergast.

"We can witness in near real-time and put all parties on notice that if they commit war crimes, we will all be watching, and pressuring policymakers to take action."


"The most important things belong first, not last or never."
Words of the Earth by Cedric Wright

If you want peace, work for justice

إذا كنت تريد السلام ، أعمل من أجل العدالة

Use Your Voice to Stop Genocide RI
Genocide will only stop with us demanding it - Our leaders have taught us this

President Obama: 202-456-1111 or 1-800-GENOCIDE

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