There is so much that Barack Obama could be putting out there about John McCain and Sarah Palin that would speak to their associations that would merit red flags. But Senator Obama doesn't do that. But I have done a little looking around. And here is a bit of it.
What is being said outside the USA about the USA ~ From Watching America:
Russia~ McCain-Palin: Team From Hell
The Netherlands ~ The Real Mavricks Are In Texas: McCain Is Not One of Them
Lebanon ~ If I Were an American, I Would Vote For Obama
Great Britain ~ For Conservatives, It Has to Be Obama
The Palin's un-American activities
Bob Woodward interviewed George Bush ~ the surge is not the reason....at 6:00
October 03, 2008
Uploaded by TULLYCAST2
Senator Obama's attorney speaks about election dirty tricks as a part of a plan by Republicans
Who IS Sarah Palin?
From Sarah Palin Information Page from Alaska:
Read the blog Alaskan Exposure to better understand Alaska
News Update 9/13/08): Huge anti-Palin rally draws 1,500 people in Alaska
This Website calls itself: The Truth About Sarah Palin
Video about Sarah Palin and aerial wolf hunting in Alaska
Palin offered a bounty of $150 for each left front leg of freshly killed wolves
Palin used $400,000 of state money to fund a propaganda campaign in support of aerial hunting
Palin promotes aerial hunting of wolves even though Alaskans voted twice to ban it (VIDEO)
As mayor of Wasilla, Palin made rape victims pay for their own forensic evidence kits (VIDEO)
Alaskan Independence Party Chairman Mark Chryson and Sarah Palin
At www.chron.com are two articles:
GOP 'robo calls' slam Obama - McCain camp defends their use in 10 states
Democrats, GOP Square Off Over ACORN - the first paragraph:
The furor over the Association for Community Organizations for Reform Now's national voter registration drive exploded with new controversies Friday, including a call by Barack Obama for an independent prosecutor and the disclosure of a death threat against an ACORN worker.
Read both articles in full
At 47 years old, John McCain didn't know who Martin Luther King was when Senator McCain voted against MLK day in 1983.

Travel to a swing state
Host a phonebank
Attend a phonebank
Make calls from home
Labels: Alaskan Independence Party, Biden, ECONOMY, Frank Schaeffer, Governor, ilovemylife, Leadership Qualities, McCain, Monegan, Obama for President, Sandra Hammel, Sarah Palin, Susan Collins, Wasilla
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