written by and credit to Sandra Hammel
Pick A Peck of Palin
Petty Pretty Pistol-Packin’ Palin Peddles Everything But Positive Peppered PayDIRT for Palooka John McFeign
Pick a Part of Palin That Proves She’s Pleasin’ Jesus
And sneezes when she squeezes lies from her freezers
Special Comment by Keith Olbermann October 6, 2008 ~ Palin's Pals
Addie Polk - 90 years old shoots herself because she had fallen back in her mortgage payments and was going to be foreclosed upon.
McCain - Mudslinger
Fannie Mae forgives debt of Addie Polk after shooting
Article from Herald Sun
October 07, 2008 12:00am
MORTGAGE finance company Fannie Mae is forgiving the mortgage debt of a 90-year-old woman who shot herself in the chest as sheriff's deputies tried to evict her.
Addie Polk's plight was publicised by Democratic law-maker Dennis Kucinich as Congress debated its $934 billion financial bailout last Friday.
Fannie Mae announced later that day it would dismiss its foreclosure action, forgive Ms Polk's mortgage and allow her to return to the home where she has lived since 1970.
Deputies were due to escort Ms Polk from her home when gunshots were heard inside.
Her neighbour climbed through her window and found her in bed bleeding.
She is expected to recover from chest wounds.
End of text
From what I have read, Ms. Polk shot herself twice.
Read Make-Believe Maverick article: news story
McCain on Keating
Link to the story: national affairs ~ McCain on Keating
10/6/08, 1:17 pm EST
I address John McCain’s dealings with the felonious financier Charlie Keating in this section of Rolling Stone’s cover story.
But there’s quite a bit more about their relationship that comes from McCain himself, in his memoir Worth the Fighting For.
His account is replete with details of unrepentant entanglements and top-dollar favors that would make Jack Abramoff blush.
They were much more than “social friends” as McCain’s lawyer said on a conference call today.
Charlie Keating, his family and associates raised over $100,000 for my first campaign, and for each of the two that followed. That was a hell of a lot of money in those days…. Supporters like Charlie were not easy to come by for a first-time candidate, and I made damn sure that he knew how much I appreciated his support.
More important, I became friends with Charlie, his family, and many of the top executives and employees of his company. [pp. 59]
He was as close to the archetype of the high-flying eighties chief executive as anyone I had encountered, and he was a hell of a lot of fun to be around.
On several occasions, he invited Cindy and me to his beautiful vacation retreat at Cat Cay in the Bahamas, flying us there, with our infant daughter, Meghan, and her nanny, on his private jet….
He entertained us lavishly, as was his style. We would all crowd on his yacht, off for a day of swimming and snorkeling, and then return for another extravagant party with the best wine, food, and entertainment available…
I would be lying if I were to deny… just how eagerly I awaited invitations to Charlie Keating’s Shangri-la. [pp. 60]
Wednesday, October 15th
When: The final Presidential Debate will be held next week on Wednesday,
October 15th at 9pm (EST).
What: Invite over a few friends as part of RI’s grassroots effort to raise money
for advertising in swing states, Get Out The Vote efforts and Voter Protection programs.
If we fall short on November 5th, we will each ask ourselves: could I have done more?
We have the opportunity and responsibility to make a difference. We must do everything we can NOW!
Take part in changing the course of history!
Goal: Collect donations of $20, $50 or $100 from those who attend your Debate
Watch Party so we can reach our goal of raising $25,000 from Rhode Islanders in the next ten (10) days.
Importance: It is critical to keep up the fundraising pace. While the cost of running our
50-state campaign is significant; the cost of not winning the White House would be devastating.
McCain is receiving public financing and the Republican National Committee (RNC) continues to raise huge sums of money.
Please help raise whatever funds you can NOW. Every dollar counts!
We will win this election, if we have the resources that are needed to compete through Election Day.
Countdown to the second presidential debate: 1 day
Countdown to the third presidential debate: 9 days
Countdown to Election Day 2008: 29 days
Countdown to Inauguration Day 2009: 106 days
Fired Up and Ready to Go
Link to the Video
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Labels: 90 years old, Addie Polk, Dennis Kucinich, Florida, ilovemylife, John McCain, Keith Olbermann, MAC AND CHEESY, OBAMA BIDEN, Ohio, Pick a Peck of Palin, Sandra Hammel, Sarah Outlaws Gs, Special Comment
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