example: George W Bush
example: John McCain who chose for us a woman to be potential leader of the world that we not only don't know, have little time to get to know, but he is keeping us from getting to know
This is not a sign of intelligence of "putting country first"
I don't feel like I am learning about Sarah Palin in a timely manner. In 56 days we will be voting for her (or not) for the potential leader of the world, essentially. And yet, we know less about her than Reverend Wright. Or at least there was much more time spent vetting Reverend Wright than Sarah Palin by the media. And Wright wasn't running to run my life.
Since Sarah Palin's major in college was journalism, it is reasonable to think she likes journalists. However, journalists and the media have been barred from Sarah. She has said the same words so many times. For example, regarding the "bridge to nowhere" Sarah has claimed "I said, 'No, Thank you'" to the money for the bridge. However, she was first in favor for the bridge. And she claimed to fire the chef as Governor, but that seems to be a fashioned story without integrity. The selling of the Governor's jet on Ebay was an effort, but in reality wasn't sold on Ebay. Sarah Palin has been packaged by Rove's brain. And the refrain that Sarah has been selling on the stump is at best flawed. Governor Palin was paid for living in her own home per diem by the state of Alaska. To protect Palin, a truth squad has been established to save her from the media until .......she takes questions.
When are lies.... lies?
When I watch Palin on the stump with John McCain standing behind her - while she is putting down Barack Obama and not telling us how she and John will serve us - John McCain looks so uncomfortable, like he is in the backseat while Sarah is driving. Watch him while she spouts her prepared speech rhetoric. The body language is talking. And I can't help but hear Palin speak in her put-down style of delivery and imagine her conversations with or how she goes about teaching her children how to be Christians, how to treat others, how to live with values that respect everyone as equal in God's "eyes". Every zinger that Sarah delivers against Obama is the opposite of how I taught my students as a teacher and as a mother to my son to behave.
Is this how Sarah Palin would talk to and about the leaders of other countries? She tough-talks in her put-down style. My opinion is that it is getting old fast. I see nothing to put my confidence in. How will Sarah reach out to mend our standing in the world? Her style does nothing that points to her ability to temper our shaky relationships with other countries that share our values and feel we have left the road of sanity. We live in a world with other countries. Sarah has been talking like all that needs to be done is to bull our way to the right way...according to Sarah.
What concerns me is that the USA people are easily swayed to vote on likeability and not on intelligent, tempered, thoughtful plans of how to have a more sane and beneficial country for all economic levels and also benefit from knowledgeable history of other countries for international relations. I think we vote stupid. I think we don’t learn about our candidates. And it is so much easier now with the internet. But we vote by feelings more than strategy, integrity and truth. I am scared because I think we vote uninformed.
Sarah Palin looks good in a skirt, walks with a nice stride, holds her head with confidence and she smiles a lot. And that will be enough for some to vote for her.
What do we really know about Sarah Palin? Palin believes that creationism should be taught in school.
I would like to believe that the USA will vote out the Republicans who have put us so far in debt to China and Japan that balancing the budget would be more fiction than Harry Potter. But I don’t believe in the USA’s voting integrity because history hasn’t given me reason to do so.
Getting to Know Sarah Palin
When I went to the Wasilla Town Hall website
I found the following:
The City has been very busy taking calls from media groups and individuals since the announcement of Governor Sarah Palin's nomination for Vice President of the United States. We would like to answer all questions, requests for information, and requests for interviews but since we are a fiscally responsible community, we have implemented guidelines to ensure we stay within our budget while being responsive to public requests.
Interviews with Mayor Keller
If you wish to schedule an interview with Mayor Dianne M. Keller, please call (907) 373-9055 or email mbixby@ci.wasilla.ak.us to set up an appointment. The Mayor is responsible to continue with her day to day tasks and would like to answer as many questions as she can, however this must be done systematically and efficiently to ensure that she continues running the city.
Public Records Requests
If you are requesting information, please visit the Public Records Request page and follow the online directions. Be sure to include an email address as we are not returning long distance phone calls because we did not budget for the volume of calls we are experiencing. In the event we need to contact you for clarification of your request or quote you a price if we have to hire staff to fill your request, we will do so via email.
Currently Available Information
We are tracking frequently asked questions and will continue to update our website with the answers in Document Central area of our website. The following information is currently available in Document Central under City Documents - Recently Requested - Former Mayor Palin:
- Banned or Censured Books Response Document Central
- Certified Annual Financial Reports FY1994 to FY2005 Document Central
- Election Results - 1992, 1995, 1996, & 1999 Document Central
- Sarah Palin was first elected to a seat on the Wasilla City Council in October of 1992 and was reelected in 1995. In 1996, she ran for and won the Office of Mayor and was reelected in 1999. She concluded her public service as Mayor in 2002 and was unable to run again due to term limits.
- City Council Member, Seat E, Term October 1992 - October 1995 (First Term)
- City Council Member, Seat E, Term October 1995 - October 1998 (Second Term) Sarah Palin only completed one-year of this term before she was elected Mayor.
- Mayor of Wasilla, Term October 1996 - October 1999 (First Term)
- Mayor of Wasilla, Term October 1999 - October 2002 (Second Term)
- Operating & Capital Budgets - 1999 to 2009 Document Central
- Property Tax Rates Document Central
- Reconsideration Requests of Library Materials Document Central
- Tax Revenues Document Central
- What are the duties of the Mayor of Wasilla? Document Central
Part 1 of interview with Barack Obama
Part 2 of Keith Olbermann's interview with Barack Obama
Remember the Darfuri peopleSilence Kills
Use Your Freedom to Speak Out Against Genocide
Labels: Bush, ilovemylife, JOE BIDEN FOR VICE PRESIDENT, John McCain, McCain, President, RATIONAL CHOICE, Republicans, Sandra Hammel, Sarah Palin, Vetting, Vice President. OBAMA FOR PRESIDENT, VOTE 18
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