"...Washington Mutual, the giant lender that came to symbolize the excesses of the mortgage boom, was seized by federal regulators on Thursday night (September 25, 2008) in what is by far the largest bank failure in American history.
Regulators simultaneously brokered an emergency sale of virtually all of Washington Mutual to J.P. Morgan Chase. The remainder of WaMu, the nation's largest savings and loan, will be operated by the government. Shareholders and some bondholders will be wiped out. WaMu depositors are guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. up to the $100,000 per account limit. WaMu customers are unlikely to be affected.
... J.P. Morgan Chase is to take control Friday (September 26, 2008) of all of WaMu's 2,300 branches which stretch from New York to California, and will oversee its big portfolio of mortgage and credit card loans. It will also acquire all of WaMu's deposits with the sale.
For weeks, the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department had been nervous about the fate of WaMu, among the worst-hit by the housing crisis, and pressed hard for the bank to sell itself. As panic gripped financial markets last week following the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the government stepped up its efforts, working behind the scenes, and at points going behind WaMu's back to work privately with potential bidders on a deal.
The seizure and the deal with J.P. Morgan came as a shock to Washington Mutual's board, which was kept in the dark: the company's newly-minted chief executive, Alan C. Fishman, was in flying from New York to Seattle at the time the deal was finally brokered, according to these people.
The action removes one of America's most troubled banks from the financial landscape, and helps to avoid sticking taxpayers with a huge bill for the rescue of another failing institution... "
In an exclusive interview with CBS News, Katie Couric speaks with Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin about her various positions on foreign policy and diplomacy.
This is Part One of the interview.

This is Part Two of the interview.
Link to Video: Clip Two
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I just read some posts on this interview by those who are voting for McCain and Palin. I watch this interview and see the complete opposite from those on the blog Renew America:
"...I expected Couric to be an attack dog for the Democrats as opposed to giving Gov. Palin a fair shake. Unfortunately I was right. You could tell from the very beginning that Couric's mission was to get Gov. Palin to trip up. If Couric had to smile it would have killed her..."
It is scary to realize that what I see is the opposite of many.
Here is a post who sees Sarah Palin like I do: Sarah Palin's Media Training
If John McCain and Sarah Palin win this election, it is my opinion that what George Bush and Dick Cheney started will pale in comparison because we are already in a hole and sinking further. The next President gets an Iraq War, a disastrous economy and low influence globally for starters. Whether the USA citizens want to believe it or not, we have lost credibility internationally.
John McCain and Sarah Palin or Barack Obama and Joe Biden.
Seems so apparent to me that we need Barack Obama and Joe Biden. But, that's just me.
I would have liked to see what Tim Russert would have asked Sarah Palin.
John McCain hadn't even read the Paulson plan as of Thursday, September 25, 2008. He has a staff in Washington, D.C. Couldn't he have had it sent to him as an attachment on an email or faxed to him out on the campaign trail if it was important to him to get on board and be helpful?
And you have to be on the committee dealing with this and he isn't, so how is he going to be helpful? By using his staff to get on it?
David Letterman on his Thursday, September 25, 2008 show continued talking about John McCain because he canceled his guest appearance one hour before the show. You can find it here:
And here is Dave's Thursday, September 25, 2008 monologue
Here is Dave's top ten tonight which was given by (Standing in front of Lake Lucille ~ Wasilla: 7,025 popluation)
Letterman keeps up assault on McCain
By David Bauder
NEW YORK (AP) — "Late Show" host David Letterman kept up a verbal assault on John McCain Thursday, saying he felt like an "ugly date" because the GOP presidential candidate backed out of a scheduled appearance on his talk show.
The night before, Letterman had said McCain's decision to suspend his campaign to deal with the economic crisis "didn't smell right." Letterman substituted MSNBC's "Countdown" host — and critic of the Arizona senator — Keith Olbermann when McCain called him to say he wouldn't appear Wednesday.
The comic was unhappy when McCain sat for an interview with Katie Couric instead of him Wednesday — and even more perturbed to learn that McCain didn't leave New York until Thursday.
He said he felt like a "patriot" to let McCain off his commitment to deal with the economy and "now I'm feeling like an ugly date."
"That's what I feel like, I feel like an ugly date," he said. "I feel used. I feel cheap. I feel sullied."
McCain spokeswoman Nicole Wallace said Thursday that the campaign "felt this wasn't a night for comedy."
"We deeply regret offending Mr. Letterman, but our candidate's priority at this moment is to focus on this crisis," Wallace said on NBC's "Today" show.
The late-night comic banged away at McCain on Thursday from the opening of his monologue.
"You're here on a good night," he told the audience. "So far none of our guests have canceled."
He talked about daredevil David Blaine's feat of hanging upside down in New York's Central Park for 60 hours.
"They just left the guy hanging there," he said. "It's the same thing McCain did to me last night."
He described socialite Paris Hilton — Thursday's guest whose celebrity was once used in a McCain campaign ad to mock Obama — as McCain's first choice for a running mate.
"Here's how it works: you don't come to see me? You don't come to see me? Well, we might not see you on Inauguration Day," Letterman said.
Noting that McCain wanted to postpone Friday's first debate with Barack Obama, Letterman said running mate Sarah Palin wanted to put off her debate with Democrat Joe Biden until after Election Day. Letterman said McCain taking Palin to meet world leaders at the United Nations was like "take-your-daughter-to-work day."
Letterman's Top 10 list was "surprising facts about Sarah Palin," read by citizens of Wasilla, Alaska, where she was once mayor.
No. 10: Palin "sometimes calls John McCain grandpa."
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Show #2987
By Michael Z. McIntee
ACT 1:
About an hour or so before the taping of the show, we got a phone call . . . . Senator John McCain will not be able to come on the show. According to his 3:00 PM speech, due to the "historic crisis in our financial system," he is suspending his campaign for President and returning immediately to Washington DC to drum up support for the bail-out proposal. McCain believed the plan on the table as it currently stood would not pass and we are desperately running out of time to get this thing back on track. So he felt he was needed in Washington. No Senator John McCain tonight.
Our President has a bit of trouble with the English language, sounding as if the roof of his mouth is caked with peanut butter.
ACT 2:
As mentioned above, just before the show Dave received a call from Senator John McCain that he would not be making it to the show because he was needed in Washington to help get this $700 billion bail-out approved. Dave acknowledges the Senator to being a real American hero, but something doesn't smell right. This doesn't pass Dave's "smell" test. Dave believes something's not right in the McCain campaign; someone must have put something in his Metamucil.
Fearing the economy was about to "crater," McCain has decided to suspend his campaign. OK, so McCain thinks he is needed in Washington, but that doesn't mean the campaign should be suspended. Dave says if McCain is needed in D.C., he should go, but then he should send in the backup quarterback to continue with the campaign. That's what she's there for; to fill in. "You don't quit." The Vice President . . . Sarah Palin . . . she should take over the campaign. But where is she?
Paul Shaffer offers, "She is one hot looking babe."
Dave laughs, then continues, "This isn't how a tested hero behaves." Dave suspects someone is putting ideas into his head, then sighs a non-understanding sigh.
And if you and your family have been out of work for the past 4 years and all you have left in your pocket is $20, spend it on the "Late Show Fun Facts" book, in stores now. It retails for $19.99, but I've seen it on the internets for much less. The book is so good, Dave gushes, "Finally, something that makes Guttenberg look like a genius."
And everyone here in New York was excited to have Sarah Palin in town for this United Nations General Assembly. It was sort of like "Meet the Teacher" night for all the world leaders. New Yorkers were happy to have her here, we quickly put this together.
We take a shot of the restructured Statue of Liberty. The face of Miss Liberty is that of Sarah Palin. Ahhhhh.
Dave can't let it go: "You don't suspend your campaign if you believe in your Vice President. You let her take over."
And if you're in New York this week, you should head over to Central Park where they hung David Blaine. He's doing some stunt where he is hanging upside down for 60 hours. We see him being interviewed during his hanging stunt that really interests nobody. And in the middle of the interview, the cable holding the grand magician/illusionist snaps and Blaine falls to the earth.
My favorite part was hearing the fake screams moments after he fell.
Blaine later explained the cable didn't accidentally snap. He decided at that moment that he was needed more in Washington.
ACT 3:
TOP TEN: Questions People Are Asking the John McCain Campaign
7. "This is Clay Aiken. Is McCain single?"
1. "This is President Bush --- what's all this about trouble with the economy?"
KEITH OLBERMANN: From MSNBC's "Countdown with Keith Olbermann."
Of course the conversation is about McCain, his suspending his campaign, dropping out of Friday's debate, and this financial boondoggle that is probably a lot more serious than we want to believe. Olbermann offers this obvious solution to one of the above: Make Friday's debate in Mississippi about the economy rather than the topic of Foreign Policy, but that's too simple.
Dave again shares that just before the show, Senator McCain called to say he was racing back to Washington to fix this thing and couldn't do tonight's show. Certainly we were disappointed and somewhere back in my head I was hoping he was being sincere. But then . . . . . happening right at this moment in the show . . . . maybe around 5:10 PM EST . . . . taking place 4 blocks away from the Ed Sullivan Theater . . . . . precisely the moment John McCain was supposed to be HERE . . . . we show a LIVE shot of Senator McCain being dabbed with makeup preparing for an interview with Katie Couric. It certainly didn't look like the Senator was racing back to Washington. He was getting ready for a little Q&A with Katie Couric four blocks away! When he was supposed to be HERE! Katie asks McCain a question and Dave calls out from his desk, "Hey, John, I got a question . . . do you need a ride to the airport?!"
Dave repeats, "Something smells."
Dave tries to imagine what Barack Obama and Joe Biden must have thought when they heard of McCain's decision. Dave likens it to being a kid when you heard that there was so much snow that there was no school.
Olbermann's puts it simply to Dave: "He ditched you."
ACT 5:
Announce: "Tomorrow on the Late Show, Dave welcomes Paris Hilton, the world's fastest man, Usain Bolt, and musical guest Morningwood.
The Late Show! If you have a muffler problem, we have the solution.
We'll be right back."
ACT 6:
During the break, Dave received this note: "McCain has concluded his interview with Katie Couric. He is now on the ‘Rachael Ray Show' making veal picatta."
Labels: Ben Bernanke, Charles H Keating, Dave Letterman, ilovemylife, John McCain, Keating Five, Liar, PRESIDENT OBAMA, Sandra Hammel, Sarah Palin, Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson, VICE PRESIDENT BIDEN
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