It is Christmas and I know that Darfuri people don't celebrate Christmas because they are Muslims, however according to the website of Ontario Consultants of Religious Tolerance, there are 2,039 million Christians in the world. I was raised Christian. A fundamentalist, born-again, Bible-knowledgeable Christian from Indiana where my heritage points strongly to the Mennonites. Indiana has strong regions of Mennonites and the not-too-far-different Amish. Anyone, Christian or not, who has a moral code with humanity at its core, would ~ in my way of thinking ~ include genocide as one of those things that we must make a stand against. And I don't mean in the way that President Bush has taken a stand ~ merely rhetorically. I mean in actually forming a strategy to bring humanity to where the inhumane behaviors of genocide are getting nothing more than a statement against it every several months by the Christian, President George W Bush. A strategy to bring genocide to an end. You can't say you are a Christian and then act immorally and amorally as Bush has done for the last 5 years regarding the people of Darfur ~ and have credibility. Here is a man in a position to actually do something. And he has done nothing.
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Still, Still, Still
Christians all over the world celebrate Christmas, either on December 25 or January 6. And it seems so right to me to think about Darfur and the five year genocide, that is going on there, while we have knowledge of it ~ while we celebrate the joy of the birth of "our" Saviour. If "our" Saviour didn't come to free us from our ignorance and cold-hearted indifference, then it seems to me like a wasted trip to this mortal life if only for our isolated, individual souls. And that is, if you didn't know the teachings of the baby Jesus when he starting imparting his parables and demonstrating his Christian behavior while he walked on this Earth. Because if you have knowledge of those things, you know what we are to be doing for our brothers and sisters of Darfur, who are in such dire need.
I don't concern myself by describing myself as a Christian or by religion, but how I live my life. It is simple for me. What I make of those who say they are Christians and don't act in ways that I could tell, is this ~ if I don't see your life bearing any resemblance to your words, then truth is missing. There is a song "They Will Know We Are Christians By Our Love" that says it all in the title.

As I get hungry and think of the cookies and milk that are mine by simply walking to get them or if I am tired, I know I have the comforts of a bathroom and a cozy bedroom to feel at home in ~ I almost always think how it is for the hungry and homeless living in the cold because a man named Omar al-Bashir wants power over the Darfuri people.
Yes, it is Christmas in my life and even though Christmas is not a religious day for the Darfuri children and adults ~ they are not out of sight, out of my mind. I carry their hearts in my heart. As we all could if we chose to. And I do more than give it lip service, I work toward ending the genocide. We need our elected politicians to get the fortitude, the political will and moral imperative to use their power to bring the spirit of Christmas ~ Peace on Earth ~ in the way of strategies to end this man-made disaster named genocide.
The Power of The Dream
China will open the world's Olympics, August 8, 2008 at 8:00 p.m. with the theme, "One World, One Dream" and yet China supplies the weapons for the Darfur genocide and provides money for the genocide's military equipment and funding. And Russia sells the antonov planes to bomb the Darfuri people in conjunction with the government-backed janjaweed soldiers. China is also funding the new residence of Sudanese architect of the genocide, President Omar al-Bashir. Eric Reeves has written an article Partners in Genocide: A Comprehensive Guide to China's Role in Darfur. Also, Mia Farrow, writes of Darfur and her trips there. She also writes of the fact that the 2008 Olympics will be Genocide Olympics ~ just as the Olympics in Berlin, Germany were dubbed, that took place while the holocaust was going on. I am a great believer in "We the People" and our importance of forming the world we live in, the world we want to live in, the world we want to shape for our children' and grand children's future.
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genocide intervention
save darfur
darfur genocide
Make It A Holy Night
do something
and then have a Merry Christmas
Thank you.
Labels: Bush, China, Christian Responsibility, Christmas, Darfur, Ethics, Genocide Olympics, ilovemylife, Jesus Teachings, Moral, Muslims, One World One Dream, Peace on Earth, Reeves, Religion, Sandra Hammel
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